Severe smear but clear biopsy?

Hi there

I’ve had 2 letz in the past. Had another bad smear with no HPV recently so was very stressed.

The biopsy was clear but they tried to do a letz anyway. They couldn’t do it as my cervix was closed so took another biopsy. This was clear.

Apparently the biopsy was taken from the same area as the smear.

I was told I get offered a hysterectomy but now I’m getting monitored. The language around smears is very confusing.

Very confused and scared. I don’t trust the results. Has anyone else had something similar to this?

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You could ask if they can re test the biopsy?

I’ve had some inconsistencies and an MDT was held and decided to retest my LLETZ cells.

This showed a higher grade CIN than originally reported.

Also, I find my local women clinic so lovely and helpful. Could you give them a call and discuss your worries? They might even schedule a telephone appointment with your colp nurse

Thanks daffy

I find it all so confusing. Very worried they missed something. This all happened last year too. I had too much going on personally to get a handle on it. I’m going to chase it up.

Hope yours is ok too!