Scared of having cervical cancer

Hi there,

I am currently feeling really scared and am looking for reassurance or just the reality if anyone has experienced something similar that turned out to be cervical cancer.

  • In 2017 I had my first smear test age 25. I had abnormal cells and High risk HPV.

  • Had a colposcopy and biopsies which showed a large white area on my cervix and had CIN 3 pre cancerous cells.

  • Had a LLETZ procedure.

  • 6 months later had another colposcopy, smear test and biopsies - still had CIN 3 pre cancerous cells and a polyps that was growing from the entrance of my cervix.

  • had another LLETZ procedure and polyps removed.

  • 6 month follow up smear test and biopsies showed no signs of pre cancerous cells or HPV, advised to have next smear test 3 years later (this was 2019 and I am now due the smear test which is booked for 22nd April)

I know I should just be patient but I also know I have about a month to wait before I know the results of my smear. I’m debating whether I should just go private right now.

For the past 3 periods I’ve had, I’ve had the most excruciating pain I’ve ever felt. It tends to happen on my first day, although the first 2 periods this happened the pain only lasted for about an hour. This time it’s been on and off for 48 hours, I can’t sit down or stand up easily without being in pain. It feels worse when I need to use the bathroom. I also have experienced the same pain when I had a UTI 2 weeks ago. When I say this is painful, I mean I’ve been resorting to laying on the floor getting into all sorts of positions to try and ease it and sweat and cry because it hurts so much. I have also bled a small bit during sex once and have had a couple of days lightly spotting brown blood in between my last two periods.

I spoke to my GP today as I know this is far from normal for me. She told me I just need to wait for my smear test results.

I’m freaking out, I’m so scared I have cervical cancer. I know I have to wait but I just want to know if what I’m experiencing sounds like I might have it? Can anyone relate to what i’m experiencing?

Thank you

Hi @Jjjzz. Firstly, please don’t waste your money going private. The results take the same amount of time to process and because you already have a smear booked for next week, it won’t be any quicker.
I’m no expert, but from what you’ve said, I’d say it’s likely to be polyps, given you have a history of them. They can cause abnormal bleeding and can grow very large, sometimes causing quite a lot of pain and sometimes uti symptoms. Fibroids also cause similar symptoms and are very common. It could be any number of things, so please try not to worry. And you never know, if it is a polyp, your doctor or nurse who does your smear may see it at the time and be able to put your mind at ease straight away. I hope it goes okay for you and please do keep us posted. X


Hey! Thank you for your reply, it was quite reassuring to read as I hadn’t thought of that being a possibility! I called my doctor again this morning and she’s booked me in for her to have a look at my cervix tomorrow and is booking me in for a scan, which she said she’d make urgent if she sees anything she’s worried about, so I feel a lot more reassured now and hoping it won’t be anything bad x

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Hi do you have any update? Xx