Running mild fever Newly diagnosed 2B

Hi all,

I’m new here, and recently diagnosed with 2b after extreme vaginal hemorrhaging and ending up in the ER getting blood transfusions and an MRI.
Ten days later, I’m currently waiting for my pet scan this week and first meeting with radiology to find out my exact treatment plan (chemo/rad/brachy) and in the meantime, I’m running a fever and have been on and off for the past couple weeks. My family dr was super concerned and put me on antibiotics, and my oncologist took me off of them “because it’s probably the tumour”.

I’m feeling so freaked out, and I’m worried that having an infection of some sort will delay treatment, or getting my PET scan. Any body else have something similar?!?!? Should I be a bit more pushy about this?!? Thank you for any insite and peace of mind. <3

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Hi @Elroo

Sorry you find yourself here, I promise you we have all been where you are right now.
I was 2b and lost a lot of blood, within my first week of treatment I ended up in hospital with an infection they couldn’t pinpoint and several blood transfusions.
Don’t panic they know what they are doing and although it seems really tough right now they will do everything they can to make you feel better.
My point is that even with the infection I carried on with treatment and got through it all ok, once you get into treatment the bleeding tends to slow down.
Wishing you well with your journey xx