Ruined holiday?

Hi all, had the awfully scary news of being diagnosed with high grade (severe) dyskaryosis on Monday. Been booked in for a colposcopy on Wednesday next week. I am supposed to be traveling to Costa Rica on the 12th of April and have stupidly not bought my travel insurance yet. However, I am not sure that I can get insurance now as I think I fall in the “waiting for treatment/medical tests/results of medical investigation” category. Does anyone know any more about this? Thanks!!

I have had a colposcopy and biopsies taken in January.. my results came back as high grade cin3 and I'm booked in for LLETZ procedure 6th march. I've been told no flying for 4weeks afterwards & am flying to Portugal 7th April, so I've just scraped through it. However when I went for colposcopy they asked if I was flying within the following 2weeks. So depending on your results hopefully you should be ok. But if you tell them, they might be able to put it on hold until you get back from your travels. I know that cin3 can take years to turn into cervical cancer, it just depends on your results & your own preference I suppose xx