Results have arrived

Almost 4 weeks after my colposcopy my results arrived today, so happy to say there is no sign of cancer!!! They have confirmed CIN3 and I’m booked for the LLETZ procedure next Tuesday! So happy it’s untrue!

What can expect from LLETZ? What sort of recovery time? Should I take some time off work at all to rest?
I’ve left a message for the nurse to call me as I will be on day 27 of my cycle and I usually come on my period between 26/28 days. Will they delay it if I’m bleeding?

Thanks in advance and good luck to all those still waiting xxxx

Hiya - congrats glad its positive news. Everyones different but LLetz for me was really simple - local anesthetic I didnt feel at all. They took biopsys & had a good look. Theyre usually quite thorough which is good. Its really quick - 5-10mins. Im on maternity still at the moment but I was fine doing normal daily things, didnt need to rest. I bleed for a couple of days, some women bleed longer. Yer Id speak to them as Im not sure they'll do it - Im on the depo so dont bleed anymore but Id check with them. X