Results/diagnosis query

Hi all,

So I'm still waiting on my results from my LLETZ on 13th July. It's 4-weeks on Monday & still hoping it's a no news is good news situation; but I was wondering if there were cancer cells present do they still write to you & tell you that or does someone ring you?

I've been trying hard to distract myself but my mind keeps wandering back to all the what if's. I'm up to date with my smears but went from normal to HPV+ & severe abnormal cells in 3-years, so keep thinking the worse. I know it's pointless as it will be what it is & worrying doesn't change it, but I had treatment about 20-years ago & makes me worry.

Thanks for reading x




I am fairly sure that if cancer is discovered they would not deliver this news by post. I think it is standard to call and ask you to attend an appointment to discuss the results

Hoping that no news remains good news for you xXx

Thank-you so much for taking the time to read my post & reply. I was thinking the same & would assume they'd call & not write if cancer was found. 
Monday makes it 4-weeks so hopefully I'll hear something next week. 
Hope you are recovering well from your surgery xx

thanks hoopy! 

When i was diagnosed it was in the middle of covid lockdown and perhaps there weren't that many results to process, but my experience was, the results turnaround was very very quick ie I was told to expect 6 weeks and I got the dreaded call within 10 days. So I would hope that your long wait means its going to go well for you xXx

I'm so sorry you have gone through all of this & during the middle of lockdown too! That's just brutal. I am glad that you didn't have to wait 6-weeks, especially with the news of being diagnosed. I think you & the other women on this forum who have been diagnosed are just so inspiring & it's a great comfort to be able to chat with others who get that fear & feeling around these tests. The wait for results & the anxiety that comes with it feels worse than the actual LLETZ treatment! 
Thank-you for your kind wishes, it means a lot xx

My results are back, CIN3 and no cancer. To say I'm relieved is an understatement. Due back at the hospital in January for my check up smear & test of cure. Hoping it will show that my body has kicked HPV!

This forum has been so helpful & offered such amazing reassurance and information for me. I really hope all of those who are waiting for results (for whatever tests they might be) receive positive news xx

Great news! 
I'm currently waiting for my LLETZ results. 
Biopsy showed CIN 3, then had LLETZ.

It's nice to be reading positive stories as well ?

Fantastic news hoopy, really pleased for you :-) x

Thank-you Mrs Trees. I wasn't sure whether to post or not, but figured this is the place for the good & the bad. Hope your LLETZ got all the CIN3 ??

FeelingTheFear thank-you ? I am so thankful for this forum & for all the wonderful women who take the time to read & reply. You have been of great help & comfort to me, thank-you! I really hope your first follow up in September goes well xx

I'm happy for you!

I have my lletz in a few weeks for severe changes too (they couldn't do it the same day because of covid).

Fingers crossed my results are the same.


Maddie :-)

Thanks Maddie :-)

Good luck for your LLETZ treatment. Really hope you have positive results too. Got my fingers crossed for you.

Emma x