Radical Hysterectomy post op

Hello I joined this forum when I was looking for info about what to expect post op, after radical hysterectomy and total lymph node clearance. I am 61 years old & now on day 5 post op- my pain was 0 after surgery & while I had the local anaesthetic put into the tubes every 8 hours. On day 3 I stopped this & the pain was a tad intense but managed on oramorph & positioning. I had catheter out on day 2 & bowels opened on day 2. All feels different a bit numb but working okay. I came home yesterday (day 4) & slept well & managed to shower with a bit of help this morning. I’m walking slowly & trying to move around regularly & resting lots. The care in hospital was good & I am feeling so much better then I thought I would be, my wound has no dressing & is very clean.


best of luck Jacs with a full recovery, i am similar age, few years younger. Mine was in January 2022 - I took my time, walking a bit every day, but it was a good while before I was back to normal daily 4 km walks, and definitely couldnt wear a heal for a long time! The numbness around the stitching lasted for about year I suppose. i heard at some point it is helpful to gently rub the area either side of stitches - when able to - to help get feeling back. i had some trouble with my hip, possibly muscle tightness from over protecting the area and not relaxing muscles enough. It may also have been slight fascia damage from the surgury. I found yoga very helpful - but months after the operation. Sounds like you are doing great. Wishing you the very best.

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I had my hysterectomy five years ago, now aged 60. Recovering physically from the operation went well and no problems. My mental health did suffer post surgery, found this forum great for support from those that have been through the same/ similar experience. Still have to go for annual smear as showing abnormalities and Oestrogen cream prescribed to minimise dryness. Wishing you the best with your recovery and take at the pace you need :slightly_smiling_face:

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It’s good to get some info from people who have been through this. So thank you for replying.

I have a follow up appointment in 3 months, & I wondered what follow up I would have in the future, all biopsy’s have come back clear. I do worry about lymphedema as had all lymph nodes removed but I have been seen at the lymphedema clinic pre op & have app in 5 weeks.
I do have pain in my right groin which is really painful on getting in & out of bed. Bladder is kind of getting there I think, still feels very odd but grateful it’s working.

Thank you for replying, I’m kind of in no man’s land & just plodding on, hoping everything is okay. I wonder if I maybe have some muscle damage in the right groin as it’s so painful to get in & out of bed, I’ve been sleeping in the chair the past few nights, which is much better & pain much less.
I do get a bit worried about all the lymph nodes being gone, did you have lymph nodes removed? & have you had any side effects from this. I have been seen pre op at the lymphoedema clinic & have app in a few weeks for a check up. Just find it difficult to find any relevant info on this.

Hi Jacs. I had lymphnodes removed. Thankfully they were clear. I didnt seem to have any side effects. That is a coincidence as it is my right side also. My surgeon advised that is where the stitching ended. I had a CT at some point and all was well. but yes, unfortunately the pain fluctuates and does continue, especially at night. But i have had relief, from the yoga. Bursitis has also been mentioned to me, and apparently that can take some time to heal. I was recommended going to a physio (privately ) but I have not been able to follow up on that yet. I think the excercise helps. but I am not sure. If you do find more about this, I would be very interested. and if i find a permanent relief I will pass it on. wishing you the very best, R.

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Hello Rosa,
I’m 3 weeks post op & I’m not sure how much I should be trying to do? I walk around the home & a very little walk around the garden, I dont do any bending as still painful, I try not to sit for long periods & am still sleeping in the recliner because of bad groin pain on getting out of bed. Is there a specific exercise guide? Just feel I’m not doing enough xx

Hi Jacs,

It sounds like you are doing great. and each of us are different and our bodies tell us when we are over doing it. Do you have a nurse you can ring to ask about the pain? is there any chance you have an infection or have pulled a stitch etc? They were ruled out in my case, but i have heard of those happening to others.

I had my op the end of January and it was at least March before walking was beginning to fee a bit normal, and began walking without thinking, but another few months more before I was fully enjoying going for walks. I think I was told to walk regularly but small bits at first and build it up slowly and daily.
I am in Ireland and I got no excercise guide - except pelvic floor excercises. i did find some info on the internet - seemed to be good info from Australia- but also suggested excercises at a much quicker pace than I was able. Later in the year I began some gentle tai chi classes at my local Cancer Support Centre. Going there was also great for mental health also- learning not to think too far ahead and doing what I had to do in the moment.
It is early days, I hope your pain will ease.

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Hello Rosa, hope all is going well. I’m now 8 weeks post op & everything is going okay, not bending very easily, but walking & getting out a bit more which is good. The pain in my right groin has gone so must have been the stitches.
I do have some lymphoedema & have to wear support tights😓
I still don’t have my normal feeling in my bladder, I’m not incontinent, I just go to sit on the loo a few times a day but don’t really get the feeling of urgency, hoping after a few months it will be okay but wondered if you had any issues with the bladder at all x

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That is great. delighted you are doing well and pain is relieved! lucky you for that!! I am still working on that! I didnt have lympoedema, i heard of others getting physio and being shown how to manage it. Nor did i have bladder problems. I did drink a lot of water for a long time. I need to get back to that again. I remember reading that all was supposed to be well after 8 weeks or so, I dont know if that is many peoples experience, but for me it took a lot longer. Even up to a year to feel more like my old self. Wishing you the best with all. X

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