Pulsed rate brachytherapy on Wednesday

hi all!

im due to have brachytherapy on Wednesday.

going in the day before and then 18 hours of pulsed brachytherapy, fhen leaving hospital on Thursday 

live got myself in a real panic as I’m so nervous.

i breezed through chemoradiation with very few side effects and certainly since my last radiother on 20th December, no real increase in side effects that they warned me of- in fact , I feel almost back to normal.

the thought of all that time on my back and worried about any pain( I’m such a wuss!) is freaking me out.

i didn’t sleep at all last night and I feel sick at the thought of it all.

can nooner reassure me that it will be ok?

to top it all, 2 days ago I started with a cold and a bit of a cough so I’m worried that they won’t do it now and I’ll have to go throughthis agonising wait het again

anyladies on here that can give me any advice ?

thank you ❤️



i had mine  three weeks ago (and I’m glad it’s over) but it’s true what everyone says - it’s reslly not as hideous as it sounds. I like you was very worried about lying on my back for a long time - but it kind of went relatively quickly what with being wheeled of for scans and the brachytherapy etc.

i was worried about pain relief too as I had previously experienced rather poor care on the ward I was staying on. The anaesthetist kindly gave me a fentanyl pump so I could access pain relief whenever I wanted some so I have to say it was completely pain free.


i know it’s easy to say in hind sight but try not to worry - you will be fine. Lots of ladies have been through this and most say it was better than they expected. 


I wish you well, and good luck on Wednesday. You will be fine - so try not to worry. 


Susan x 

Hi there MH

As you know I’m not there yet. I’ve come to know you are a strong lady though and have helped me loads. We have to think that this is the zap on the now weak enemy and crucial to giving us our life back. It’s a pity we can’t have ours together side by side and tell each other stories and support each other. I will be thinking of you though and sending strength to you. You will Be fine. I may think of Tom Hardy for 3 days or listen to a book or music or ... think about Tom Hardy for 3 days. Good luck hun ... as usual you will come through not as awful as you thought as you did with chemorads . 


Thanks girls!

i think it would have been great if another lady was in with me having the same treatment .i am a big chatterbox, so being alone will be a challenge in itself.

my preferred eye candy is Aidan Turner ( poldark) !

I’m sure it will all be fine- it’s fear of the unknown and I am not very brave to be honest, I just think I reacted really well to chemorads and had few side effects.

ill be able to post from my bed as Weston park has internet available thank goodness.

my son keeps sending me little photos of my grandson( born on 20th December on the last day of radiotherapy for me! )

so that is keeping me positive , as we are going to see him on 12th January 


Di x

Thinking of you today! Wishing you a straightforward and uneventful brachytherapy experience with empathic staff and someone with a sense of humour about the place! You've done the hardest bit now, not much longer to go!

I've go 10 ex rads to go after today and two more chemo and then I'll get my brachy dates. Really nervous so please let us know how you get on?


Sending all good thoughts and yes...a Tom Hardy Aiden Turner sandwich! :D



Hi girls

well I got through it. the experience wasn’t pleasant, but it’s doable and I’m home and comfortable now.

they put me to sleep and I woke up with the rods I. And some immediate pain relief was given

to be hones, the main pain I had was from the catheter as it was uncomfortable.

then I had to wait 4 hours till the plan of treatment was finalised with lots of scans Ct, mri etc

and down to the room for 18 hours.

it seemed like an age, I can’t lie, but with photos from my son of my grandson about every 3 hours( feeding times) it kept my spirits up and the nurses were wonderful.

making sure I was topped up with pain relief and food and just generally keeping my spirits up.

its doable, ok I’m tired , but it will pass and it’s a treatment that will zap the bad thing xxx

Di ... well done you darling .. last blast. ive  been thinking of you lots. Im dreading it but I guess everyone does. It’s over now darling, rest and know that that its the final weapon in the war you will win . Lots of love and hope you feel better real soon xxxx

Glad you got through it better than you expected.  Have you another next week? 

I had the same as you and 2 lots 

Diagnosed 2b with a suspect lymph node so only one session of brachytherapy for me was prescribed.

im feeling much better today , 2 days post treatment.

i have a little pinky discharge but a freq watery discharge and where the applicators were on the outside, seem to have irritated my bits and they are a bit sore.

but I’m using my Lyons leaf calendula and marshmallow ointment religiously and soft sensitive wipes every t8me I go to the loo.

i was shattered this morning after taking down the Christmas tree, cleaning the lounge and putting 2 washloads in.

i didn’t expect this as everything I’ve read about the treatment says it’s 7-14days before side effects, but perhaps it was the anaesthetic and lack of sleep in hospital that made me so tired.

i snoozed on the sofa today as my husband did the shopping and I’ve treated myself to a southern comfort and coke tonight 

but I’ve drank loads of water too and no stinging so hopefully I will be ok