Post Surgery and Lost

I had my surgery 20 days ago on 5/4 for cervix cancer where they removed my uterus, cervix and a couple of lymph nodes, and not the ovaries . Prior to surgery the PET scan came back completely negative , and after surgery the surgeon said told me he saw nothing obvious outside the cervix that would indicate a spread, but he couldn’t be 100% sure until the pathology comes back.

I went back on the 17th to have my catheter removed and still he had no pathology report, so I was left in the air worring about my results.

Today 5/25, I received a call from the NP in his office and she told me that they wanted to set up a tele conference to discuss my pathology results. Since I don’t do tele conferences, I have an appoitment on the 6/7 to speak with the doctor.

What bothers me a lot is when I asked the NP if the margins were negative or positive, she refused to anwser, and just told me we will discuss it at the appoitment with the doctor.

Now you would think that if the margins were negative , they would have no problem to tell me, right? So the only thing I can assume is that the margins are positive and I have to start chemo and radiation. :frowning:

Is my assumption correct that I proably have positive margins, or am I over reacting?

Has anyone had this situation where they wouldn’t tell you on the phone and then when you went to see them, you found out that the margins were negative and there was no cancer outside and they got it all?

@NYSooner it’s perfectly understandable to feel the way you do. I think it depends on your hospital whether they will give you any information over the phone, I would like to think they wouldn’t arrange a tele conference to give you bad news or make you wait that long for an appointment, I would ask if they could put you on a cancellation list to be seen sooner if possible.

Hi NYSooner,

I believe it has to do with the hospital protocol. The nurse who contacted you might not have access to your health records or the results. I did many scans, blood tests, treatment etc and only the consultant was discussing my results. I remember I was doing the radiotherapy and I was asking the nurses how my scans look like and no one told me a thing, they were saying that the scans are not detailed enough to tell me if there is an improvement. I think it might be purely the hospital policy. I really hope all the best with the results!
