Post Lletz - is this normal?!

Morning all, 

First time posting on here. I'm after a bit of advice. I had Lletz treatment 3 weeks ago for CIN 3 cells.

I had cramps for a few days after, no bleeding, a watery discharge started around 5 days after treatment, followed by the odd bit of blood, but no pain.

I was told no exercise for 1 week and nothing too strenuous for 4 weeks. I've been walking the dogs each day without any problems. I went for a short, steady bike ride on Wednesday morning and went into work for the first time since treatment on Thursday, I was on my feet for two hours max, when I got home I had a big bleed, lasted around an hour and then stopped. I called my GP as I was very concerned with the amount of blood, and was told to go to A&E, but the bleeding stopped so I didn't (wish I had now). I've been taking it easy since, I've had a small amount of bleeding.

Last night I was woken with really painful cramping and some blood. I took some painkillers, which took the edge off. Still getting painful cramps today. Is all this normal? Could I be having my period early? I've read that a lot of people have a heavier, more painful first period post Lletz.

I came off the pill around 6 months ago (to try for a baby) it took a while for my periods to return, after 2 months I had two periods two weeks apart, then another 5 weeks later. Today is 24 days since the start of my last period. 

Ive read a lot of posts on here and everyone seems to experience different things.

Any advice greatly appreciated!

Im the same as you. I did a couple of semi-strenuous things a few weeks after LLETZ and ended up having big bleeds. They stopped though so no need to go get them seen to. I'm now 2 weeks post my second LLETZ and this time I'm not even risking anything more than a casual stroll until I get to 6 weeks! 

Both of my post LLETZ periods have been heavier, longer and way more painful than before too so it's perhaps what yours is. 

Take it easy xxx