Possible cervical cancer?

Hello all. First off, I am so sorry for your diagnosis. I hope you’re all in good hands and will soon be well, as I’ve read that cervical cancer is the easiest to treat.

Second, I have not been diagnosed, but I do have questions. I had an appt with my GP yesterday due to a 3 week + period. At first she thought the excessive bleeding/spotting may have been caused by a forgotten tampon, but decided it is actually either tissue or blood clots on, near, and behind my cervix. She wanted me to have an “emergency pelvic ultrasound” today and I will see a gyno on Tuesday. My question is, what were the steps prior to your diagnosis? What were your symptoms? My pap last year was clean and my periods have been irregular for the last few years. I am 42 years old. I’m not sure I can wait 5 days.

Hi Jay :-)

I'm sorry for your anxiety. Really, it's best not to try to self-diagnose. Your GP has had a lot of training and she hasn't jumped to any conclusions yet.  Your symptoms could point to any number of causes, including early onset of menopause. In the grand scheme of things, five days is nothing. If you want to distract yourself by reading other people's stories you can start with 'My Big Fat Greek Hysterecomy' which you can either Google or find in my profile.

Be lucky :-)

Hi Tivoli,

Thanks for your reply. The ultra sound showed a couple complex cysts and a thicker uterine lining. That, and some other symptoms I have, looks more like ovarian cancer. I am terrified. I keep seeing that this is definitely a deadly cancer and outlook is bleak. I will look for an appropriate support group, but wanted to thank you for responding.  

Hi Jay,

I have a friend who's making a really good recovery from ovarian cancer right now. try to remember that treatments for all cancers are improving all of the time but that published data for any form of cancer is always at least five years out of date. I have noticed more and more women surviving in the last four years so try not to think it's all doom and gloom.

Be lucky :-)