
Hi, I went for my usual smear test and the doctor said she saw a polyp, and I would have to see a gynaecologist to have it removed and sent away for testing (due to my history). So went for the appointment and a nurse could not see a polyp but something that looked “white and fluffy” now I don’t know what to think. I’ve got an appointment for a Cyrocautery, I have had loop procedure before but over ten years ago, my latest smear test came back clear (test done May 2016) could my smear have missed something and why could the doctor see a polyp and a nurse couldn’t!! I have had no unusual symptoms, am I just panicking for no reason, it really is worrying me :frowning:

Idk. But white and fluffy does sound like either a polyp or fibroid. Goodluck. Update us as you know.

Thank you for you info, I will keep posted x