Periods After lletz

Hi Everyone,

Just wondering if anyone has had the same experiences as me after a Lletz procedure. 

In early October I went to the drs for bleeding after intercourse. A polyp was found and removed a couple of weeks afterwards in the colcoscopy clinic. I was on my period at the time the polyp was removed. 

Results came back from histology and I had CIN1 cells on the polyp so was advised to have a lletz to remove the area around where the polyp was taken off. This was at the end of November 2018. 

I was due a period at the end of November but couldn’t really tell if I had a period or not as had bleeding from the lletz anyway.

2 weeks later I had a huge bleed and was rushed to the hospital where they managed to slow the bleeding with tablets. Had a pregnancy test as the bleeding was similar to a miscarriage, test was negative and I was allowed home the same day. I was told this could be due to infection or the stress put on my cervix from having 2 prodcedures close to each other. 

Bleeding continued on and off for most of December and finally stopped on 3rd January. We followed all the guidelines after the lletz with the no sex for 4 weeks. 

So expected my next period around now at the end of January and I have had nothing. The discharge (sorry for the over share...) I’ve had for the past couple of days is like an egg white which suggests I’m ovulating and at a completely different part of my cycle. I’ve taken a pregnancy test and that was negative. 

I have read a few posts on here to say that people’s periods have changed post lletz but most say they have been bleeding more whereas I’m now getting nothing after nearly a whole month of bleeding?

I would be grateful to hear about any of your experiences with this. I was told that having a lletz would not affect my fertility but nobody mentioned it changing my periods. 

Thank you in advance!




my periods have been all over the place since my second lletz in December. However, it's been difficult to figure out what bleeding is lletz related and was is menstrual,  because like you I had a huge bleed. I think I had a big gap with no period and then 2 very close together. Also I have had ovulation type symptoms at the wrong time and have had tender breasts for about a month. 

I should add that I'm 45 so this may be just menapause symptoms and not lletz related .
