Papillocare gel

Does anyone else struggle with this? I put it in and it drips back out. It stings my skin after a few days and leaves red marks. I can’t use it without a moon cup to keep it in. Plus…sex life?! Is anyone else in same boat?

Hi brunetteteacher!
I use Papilocare
Do you mean it leaks out in the morning? This happens to me some day and not others

I don’t find it happens at night when I squeeze it in, it is the last thing I do at night

I think the instruction book says something not to worry about some of it leaking out? I don’t have an instruction book at the moment

I put it in after sex. I don’t find my skin is irritated by it but my skin is not very sensitive
Sorry to hear you are having problems with the product I hope things get better for you!

I am finding it so hard to comply with! Is mine dodgy? It’s like white water, what does yours come out as? Some nights I can keep it in, last night it’s all over the bed :see_no_evil:

Mine is liquidy but not as runny as water
I got mine off Amazon it comes with instructions from LivBio who are the people that seem to sell it in the UK
I have only occasionally noticed it on my legs, it seems to stay in
Maybe you are very wriggly when you sleep?

Hi, I wear panty liners whenever I use the gel (once every two days) as it leaks quite a bit. I’ve emailed LivBio to check whether this was normal and it sounded like they’ve had that feedback a lot, so I’m just continuing with my method and hoping for the best even I go for my next checkup.

I will be very interested to hear what LivBio say! Update me when you hear back. I didn’t think to email them. It’s really annoying, I don’t like using it at all but I am def persevering this time!!

Here’s their response, nothing new or particularly helpful tbh, I hope I’m using it correctly and it works!!!

“ Thank you for your question.
What we hear from our customers is that sometimes the gel leaks out.
We contacted Procare, the manufacturer, in the past about this issue. They say that they recognise this issue but that there is enough in each tube to compensate for the loss.

We will however ask them if they can increase the viscosity as we recognise that this is inconvenient for you.”

Thanks so much :blush: Yes, not very useful and surely it would be relatively easy to make it more gel-like. I feel like most of it must drip away from the cervix and not be in the right position

I’m on my second 6 month round of Papilocare as CIN111 back and I’m waiting for a consultation with gynae about treatment options. I use a panty liner at night as it definitely does leak initially. Think I’m either looking at a cone biopsy or hysterectomy but I’m guessing. Have been chasing this HPV for about five years now.

Sorry to hear you’ve been having problems for a long time
Can you share your story? Sounds like you have CIN3 that has come back after treatment but please tell me if I am wrong x

I have been chasing HPV for about 4 years now. Had Letz 18 months ago and left with CIN1 at margins. Annual check has come back CIN11 & 111 which is very disappointing and I have been asked to come in to speak to doctor about next treatment options. I am assuming that if they thought they could do another Letz I’d be called back for that so guess it’s something else they plan to do. Tried AHCC x2, Papillon 6 months, probiotics, Vit D, fermented food and limited alcohol. Will update after 8th Feb when I know more.

Sorry to hear that Peppa, that must be so frustrating for you!
Did you start the supplements after your LLETZ? Do you mind me asking how old you are please?

I started taking all of the supplements after the Letz and seeing a consultant privately who recommended them. I was unhappy with the attitude of the NHS consultant that I saw at a follow up colposcopy.

I am 65 and have been with the same partner for 26 years. I went through all of the fidelity doubts that others have expressed on this forum but have reconciled to the fact that this virus is tricky.

Private consultant suggested that it can lie dormant for decades and, as you age and your immune system weakens, it becomes active. Concerning for the older women who fall outside of the screening programme after 65

Hi Peppa
That’s good that you got some professional reccomendations
Thank you for sharing your age it must be difficult to think about coming to the end of the screening programme and finding out you are positive

From what I have read I agree with your consultant there can be very long periods of dormancy with HPV x

Told today that I need to have hysterectomy because CIN 3 in place that would be hazardous to try to treat. Was a bit shocked but thankful that I wasn’t given a CC diagnosis. Concerned about the recovery time and wondered if anyone could comment who has had one? It will be done laparoscopically so understand the recovery will be a bit quicker.

Hey Peppa
That must be a shock for you, I’m sorry
Perhaps you will be able to find others with similar experiences in other sections of the forum, I know you haven’t got a CC diagnosis but maybe try the forum section for those who have been diagnosed as some ladies will have had an hysterectomy as part of their treatment
I’m sorry you’re going through this x

Very kind of you to reply thank you