Panicked New Member (contains discussion surrounding traumatic events)

Potential triggers: sexual assualt




Hi everyone,

i am so glad to have found this forum.

i am booked in for a smear test on the 11th of this month and I am terrified. In the past I have experienced various types of sexual assault and I am so worried about how I will react. 

It has taken me 5 years to talk myself in to making the appointment but every fibre of my being wants me to cancel (I won’t because I need to know if there is something sinister there).

i am frightened if there is something sinister what the next steps will be.

i know the nurse and she seems nice but my mind is in overdrive at the moment.


Hi tears,

I have a friend who had her first smear when she was 39. A group of us were discussing when we were due, and she confessed to never having had one. We knew that she had been assaulted when she was 17, but had never considered this with regards to having a smear.

I went along with her, as chaperone. Do you have a close friend you can ask to come in with you? I sat behind the privacy screen, and asked up until the last minute if she still wanted me there. By saying yes, she said she felt that she was in control - and the Dr was one that she had trusted to deliver her babies & he had controlled her diabetes for 8yrs, so she trusted him enough that it didn't concern her that he was male.

Our group of friends were amazing. We all convinced her that a minute of discomfort/embarassment could save her life - and her kids need her!

She honestly came out of the room saying that she couldn't believe she'd put it off for so long. Certainly didn't 'enjoy' it, but was so proud of herself for doing it - for herself - her kids - and for us!!

If there's follow up required, deal with that as it comes up. Read about the steps, and educate yourself. Concentrate on getting this first vital step done. And be proud of yourself for doing it! 


Welcome to the forum, so sad to hear what you have experienced you’re clearly already a survivor : )

I had missed my smear for almost 10 years just due to life really never having time or prioritizing it. Luckily I went off work with stress and my GP badgered me into having my smear test which ultimately saved my life as I got diagnosed and treated quickly.

I can’t begin to understand what you have gone through but I can promise you having a smear is the best thing you can do - if your results are fine you can relax and if they arent fine you can get treatment help and support quicky. This is a fantastic supprt system - please let ys know that you managed to go for your smear and how you got on,

Lots of love and be strong you can do it my love!

Tracy : ) xx



Hi tearsandrain,

Welcome to the Jo's Forum. I am sorry to hear you are feeling terrified for your smear. Please know we are thinking of you and here to support you.  

I also just wanted to message to let you know we have information about cervical screening after sexual violence ( which you may find helpful to read. It talks about the test, ways to help you feel in control during the test, and also lists organisations that offer more information and support should you need it. 

Further, you might find it helpful to know we also have a section on our website designed for healthcare professionals to help them better support women who have experenced sexual violence ( We created this section on the website after research we carried out showed that survivors wanted more information for healthcare professionals. If you feel comfortable sharing you could prior to the test let your nurse know this information is there. 

Please also know you can ring our helpline (0808 802 8000) for support, and our trained helpliners would be happy to talk you through anything before your appointment. 

With my very best wishes,



Thank you all for your kind words. I am feeling s bit weird still but wanted to let you know that I have had the smear.


tears xx

Well done and you’re not alone. Having previously been abused myself, it took me a while to be comfortable during examinations, but it does get better with time.

Please let us know when you receive your results!