Sexual assault victim - too scared to book a smear test

I have suffered extreme sexual abuse as a child and as I have grown up into my teenage years. It’s for this reason that I feel it is almost impossible to even call my doctors surgery to book an appointment. 

I’m 26 years old (27 years this year) and have ignored all invitations to date. When I receive them I usually have to put them straight in the bin. 

My GP is fully aware of my experiences and honestly, my GP is great. However, it doesn’t take away my feelings towards getting this booked and actually having it done. 

I don’t know what to say when I call the surgery and speak to receptionist because I fear if I don’t say something when I book, come the actual appointment, I’ll be too scared and frightened to tell the person who is carrying out the smear test.

does anybody have any advice as to what I can say to the person on the phone?

or even advice as to the actual appointment?

is it usually carried out by a nurse or a doctor?

just thought is causing my extreme distress and is making me feel very unwell. I feel like I have pain just thinking about it because it’s giving me flashbacks to the assaults. I don’t think I will get it done in the time they usually allocate for an appointment and this is just overwhelming me. 

I cant sleep at the moment because it’s keeping me up stressing about it. I am actually suffering physical symptoms so I know I urgently need this procedure done. 

I‘d be so so so so grateful for any advice. 

It's usually the nurse that does a smear test. 

I'm sure if yoeu explain to the receptionist or ask for the nurse to call you back so you can explain to them,im I sure they will be very understanding and able to book you in for a longer appointment.hugs x

Hi, I can understand your anxieties around going for a cervical smear. I recently had mine back in December and it was carried out by a nurse. I was very unsure about the test and she reassured me and I had time to ask questions before the smear test began. Also my nurse reassured me throughout the short time I was on the bed and I was told at any time I can stop if I felt I needed to. I think maybe if you can ask for a call back from the nurse who will be carrying out your smear test to discuss further. 


Also ive been told today some physical symptoms can be any number of things so try not to worry before getting results back, as most of the time the tests are preventative. Best of luck, hope everything goes ok xx

Aww, you've been through the most shocking experiences so no wonder you are petrified xx

I agree with the ladies above, most practices have nurses who are lovely that perform your smear and will put you at ease. When I was you age I had this big hang up of ringing up and booking a smear, just totally embarrassing. I use to ask a female family member or a good friend to book it for me, just an idea. Xx


I too was abused from being a child to a teen and find smears etc quite triggering. The last time I went to see my nurse for a smear I told her why I had been putting it off and that I had experienced abuse and she was so lovely and reassuring. She also made a note of my PTSD so that when I go for my Colposcopy the Dr there will hopefully see it too.

It is nurses that routinely perform smear tests but doctors can too, so perhaps speak with your doctor about them doing it if you feel comfortable? I also get diazepam to take before appointments such as these and they help tremendously.

I have read that having intercourse from a young age can raise your risk of getting HPV, so we are probably more at risk that way. Please go and speak to your doctor about it. 

Sending so much love xx

get some one to go with you. you do need or they do to make sure they know there to hold your hand not sit on a chair behind the screen if you can take it let them be with you as  you get changed behind the screen haveing them there at the nurse enters hepls a lot of women

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me.

I ended up emailing my doctor and he replied saying he will call me to have a chat. I’m really lucky in that I have a very supportive GP. I’m still worried so much about it, I’m not sleeping because of it and I haven’t even got one booked yet! Did you have to ask for diazepam? I’m really glad you had a nice nurse. Did she ask any questions about your past experiences?  

i’m so sorry to hear that you’ve been through similar experiences to me, but I hope you realise just how brave and strong you are. Just messaging me has given me that little bit more confidence x x

Thank you so much. I emailed my doctor and he offered to call me tomorrow to discuss my concerns. I’m nervous just to talk to him about it, but I’m just grateful he is giving me the opportunity to do so before I even book a smear x x

Rebecca that reply was lovely. Thank you! It made me really emotional. 

The nurse didn't ask me any questions no, she was great. She just reassured me. Yeah I did have to ask for the diazepam but I'd had them previously so I knew to ask. They honestly helped so much. You can't take them too often as they're addictive but they're perfect for infrequent events like this. 

Message me any time. I'm so glad you've got a helpful doctor. It makes all the difference. Xx

I've got to have a LLETZ treatment and found the coloposcopy and smear pretty traumatic for similar reasons. i TOLD  I took diazepam too for the Colposcopy. I honestly don't think I can do the LLETZ - there's just no way. I just can't sit through it. i don't know how to move forward.