Panic over appointment letter 2 weeks post LLETZ

First time posting but have been in the forum a lot over the past few months reading other topics.
I’m on the verge of having a full scale panic attack and need some help from others who have been in the same boat.
I had my LLETZ 2.5 weeks ago, I was told it would take 6-8 weeks for the results. However I’ve just had a letter from the hospital booking me in for an appointment on 11th October. No info on it so phoned straight away to be told the doctor has asked for me to be booked an appointment and the lady who answered the phone doesn’t know what for. She has said she would get the doctor to call me. However I’m so concerned I’ve got cancer and that’s what they’re telling me. I’ve not stopped crying and can’t bear to think about the fact I’ve got to wait 12 days for the results.
How did others get their results? Am I blowing it out of proportion.
I’m 29 and still want babies and now worried this won’t be possible now.
I had CIN1 and HPV last year with no treatment, smear came back in April as CIN2 and HPV with my treatment only happening on the 13th September.
Thank you!

Hello I am so sorry you are going through this, please try not to panic it could just be they didn’t get clear margins so want to discuss next steps with you. It doesn’t automatically mean you have cancer.

Stay strong you’ve got this x


Thanks, I know they need to be ambiguous so if it is cancer they’re not giving it to you over the phone but it just makes me panic more :confounded:

@Rzd how did you get on at your appointment? x