Off the chemo mix

I posted last week that my consultant told me I wasn’t benefiting anymore from the chemo mix of avastin/carbo/taxol and told me it was my decision wether to stay on it or not

So yesterday he explained things a lot more what he meant was as I’ve finished my 6 cycle that the chemo has shrunk the tumors to the smallest they are going to get and I have minimal tissue I have always been told the tumors will never go completely and so if I chose to stay on it then technically I’m risking being poorly with no benefits
As the consultant is pleased with the result and told me I’ve responded better than they expected
I’ve decided to stay off the chemo mix I’ve lost my funding for the avastin by doing this as I’m in the uk but I’m 6 weeks now post chemo I feel better every week and honestly feel like there’s nothing wrong with me I have no pain no breathlessness and intend to have a few quality months a head
I have a holiday in January a wedding and honey moon booked for February and off to the barrier reef in March we have decided that there will be no talk of the dreaded c word over the next 3 months

I will have a scan at the end of March to see what’s happening and take things from there
Trying to pack things in whilst off the chemo until the time comes to go back on it

So I have a busy few months ahead of me and wanted to say to all you ladies going through the the treatment stay strong
for those that are finished and in the waiting game I hope for clear scans all the time and to those fighting the second time round stay positive and keep up the fight we can get through this

onwards and upwards
Love Michelle xx

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Hi Michelle im glad to hear you are feeling so well. It sounds like you've got some lovely trips planned, I hope you have an amazing time, enjoy xxx

Hi Michelle It does feel wonderful to be off the chemo and to feel normal. It's not until you feel better that you realise how compromised you were. Personally I cherish every moment I feel well. I see you are coming to the barrier reef. Does that mean you are flying all the way to Queensland? I flew all the way to tbe UK after my treatment. I suspect we are both trying to get as far away as possible from our Drs and hospitals. Is that your marriage coming up? If so how wonderful. I also spent a fortune on clothes to make me feel good again and I didn't keep my post bald haircolour as grey. I sexed it up a bit. I'm not done yet and neither are you. So pleased to hear you feel well. Jayne xx

Hi Michelle, Just wanted to wish you a wonderful trip and wedding? Sounds like yours. Have a fab time and enjoy feeling so much better. Thanks for sending such an encouraging post to us all. Take great care. Xx

Hi Michelle :-)

This is all sounding really good, strong and positive. Hoping you have a truly wonderful time :-)

Be lucky :-)

what a great future you have planned. Enjoy every second. X