Normal smear but HPV

Hi all would love some advice, in 2016 I had my first smear test and it come back that I had low grade dyskaryosis and HPV, after attending colposcopy and having it removed I got the all clear. I went for my 2nd test last month and fot my results yesterday I have normal cells but HPV has been detected so I have been refered to colposcopy again, this is where I'm confused,I have no abnormal cells so don't understand why I need colposcopy, I'm quite worried. Any advice would be truly appreciated. 

Hi Zoe1807, Colpscopies are more accurate than smears, so it’s just a precaution to rule out any abnormal cells that might be hiding. Try not to worry, as it seems they’re keeping a good eye on you!

Did you ever get your results, I’m going through something similar