Nerve pain before treatment

Hi, everyone. I’m new here. Just diagnosed last week and waiting for my gyn onc appointment next week. I’m still reeling from this diagnosis. I know that no one is immune to cancer, but I thought I could at least dodge this one by getting regular pap smears. By joining this forum and reading other survivors’ stories, I have learned how appallingly common screening failures are.

I’ve been trying to be optimistic that it was caught “early.” I have a long, but superficially invasive adenocarcinoma (1.5 cm wide x 2 mm deep). Pathology from the cone biopsy said no LVSI. I’ve been optimistic about getting through this with just a RH, but now I’m paranoid about lymph node involvement. Based on the path report, rationally I know the probability is small, but I’ve been having these nerve pains shoot down the inside of my thigh. It’s on the side the cancer was found on. I haven’t eaten or slept much the past couple of weeks because of this.

I keep envisioning a swollen lymph node compressing the nerve and causing these pains. Has anyone else experienced this and it ended up being something else?


Hi @Frozen41

You are right. Getting screening is not always :100:. I’ve even seen women go through CIn 1-3 and still end up having to get a RH. Notwithstanding CC has a strain that is not always visible on screening:

Easier said than done but try not to equate the pain to it being a later stage. I had zero pain from the cancer (only gad pain from being constipated) and none of the normal indicators and I came out at 3C1 with two lymph node involved after being told I was stage 1. I don’t say this to worry it more to show they cannot be :100: until further tests are done.

Don’t get me wrong now that I have cancer I seem to be getting all the aches, pains and bleeding now.

The waiting game is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done and I had to work so hard to keep my mental health in check. Distracting yourself works and taking back control of what you can influence worked for me during this time.

Hopefully more ladies will be along soon to share their experiences.


Hi, I am also new here. I was diagnosed with cervical cancer last week. I had my routine cervical smear last year which came back HPV positive but no cell changes. This year it came back HPV positive with borderline cell changes. Went for colposcopy. They noticed a growth like a polyp and did a biopsy. This turned out to be cancerous and the other cells were low grade (if I have understood correctly). They can’t tell me anything else until I have an MRI. They will also do an audit of last year’s cervical screening results to see if they were incorrect and missed anything. I have had an ache in my lower back on occasional mornings over the last few years but when I get out of bed it goes away so I did not follow up (which I’m annoyed with myself about now). Since being told the news the back ache is mild and persistent but I am not sure if it’s because I’m focusing on it! I hate not knowing anything about type or grade it is yet! I hope everyone is ok and thanks for sharing your experiences.
@Frozen41 I have the same worries as you. Hopefully we will feel better when we have the full picture of our cases and can get on with treatment.


Thank you, Mena. I agree that having a cancer diagnosis has made me HYPER-aware of every little twinge, especially in the pelvis. My oncology nurse said the same thing today. Apparently it happens a lot!
I’ve been keeping up with your treatment diary on here. You’re doing amazing. I’m in awe of how well you’ve weathered the staging rollercoaster and are soldiering through your treatments. I hope things continue to go well for you.

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Hi, May. Thank you for your support! I hope you’ve had promising updates since your last response. The waiting is so hard.
I did have a PET/CT last week that showed no evidence of metastasis, but we’ll have to wait until after the surgery to know for sure.

Hi Frozen41, I have been told that from the info on the MRI and physical examination I have 1B1 cervical cancer but the surgeon said they can’t say for sure until I’ve had the operation and lymph nodes have been checked. So there will be more waiting! Surgeon has recommended a radical hysterectomy but it all has to be agreed by the MDT team. The couple of weeks waiting to find out anything at all was distressing. I got so ill and nearly fainted! I had terrible nausea and backache and I am not sure if it was the shock/stress of everything plus lack of sleep or if I just had an unrelated virus! Do you have your surgery planned now? Hope all goes wellx