Lymph involvement??

Hi ladies. I've so far been diagnosed with stage 2b cc but havent started treatment yet, because im still having my MRI and CT and chemo meeting, etc... My question is - Can you feel if it if you have lymph involvment? I mean, i've just this week had my scans and i'll find out for sure over the next week, but of course I'm freaking out in the mean time. My concern is that I feel crampy in my abdomen so much of the time. I know this can be from nerves being affected from the swelling and the tumor, just like back ache is caused, but I keep thinking it's my lymph nodes i can feel. Am I crazy??? Thanks in advance girls. You are all wonderful help during this scary time. xo

Hi Sarapup :-)

Welcome to the forum! I am sorry for your diagnosis but very pleased that you have found us here. It appears that your posts on Friday evening were not being published straight away and that probably distressed you a great deal. Unfortunately this site has recently been the victim of some vicious spam attacks and so for the benefit of everyone who uses this forum, initial posts are vetted by human being before they are published. Once a first post is published though all subsequent posts in that thread are published instantly so sometimes you might get responses more quickly by jumping on to the end of a previous thread. I hope that makes sense :-)

Now, to answer your question. I was also a 2b girl and to be perfectly honest with you, I couldn't feel my tumour at all, so I imagine I wouldn't have felt any lymph involvement had I had any. Happily I didn't. But I think that the most important point for you to understand is that if you are diagnosed as stage 2b, your treatment will almost definitely be chemo-rads which is exactly the same treatment you would receive if you were known to have lymph node involvement. Therefore, whether or not your nodes are involved will make no difference to you whatsoever and therefore it's probably best not to even spare it a thought.

Be lucky :-)

Thank you tivoli!! Isn't waiting awful?? I think I'll know for sure tomorrow. Fingers crossed. 

Thanks again. The help this site is , is unbelievable!


Waiting IS awful. Actually, waiting is worse than treatment which means that logically, waiting must be worse than cancer :-)

Be lucky :-)