Freak out! Lymph node involvement

This might not be the right place to post but…

I’m currently undergoing Chemo Radiotherapy for a stage 1b2 sized tumour with lymph node involvement ( oncologist said 2b2 once). I’m freaking out a bit as no one else I’ve rspoken to has lymph node involvement.

I’m a bit concerned that I had no idea or symptoms and both my right and left groin nodes showed up on the PET. I know everyone’s cancer and fight are different but I’m looking for some positive stories from people who had similar diagnosis.

Help please xxx

Hey, sorry to hear this news! I am stage 2b and I have 3 lymph nodes involved. I'm waiting for my results still. Just wanted you to know there are plenty of us out there xxx

Hi Georgie,

Please check out my history so far below. I felt exactly like you and had 9 out of 12 lymph nodes showing positive. Do not google your outlook. I asked my oncologist and he said odds are much better today than what you see on the internet. All my scans clear so far and nearly 2 years since first starting treatment. Everyone is different and you can beat this with positive outlook and with some help from eating brocilli. Eat as much as you can and raw! Advice I was given and have stuck to.

Have you had any nodes removed yet? An oncologist I saw in the North East suggested having nodes removed higher than the exising nodes to make sure the radiotherapy treatment was extensive enough. Your post suggests you might be in the middle of treatment right now so you may be feeling delicate and unable to eat much at all.

It really does get better and life will return to normal for you soon, so hang in there. I found advice few and far between for this similar stage but there are other similar ladies out there doing really well. 

I don't come on site often but remembering how I felt with a similar diagnosis, I look out for CC ladies like you so I can share some positive. Please keep me posted how you progress and feel free to message me if you have any other questions I can help with.

HUGE hug of strength for the weeks to come. It will get easier. Jools x

Thanks so much Gemma and Jools.

I haven't had any lymphs removed my treatment is based on the PET scan as no tumour was seen and only one lymph node was seen as inflamed in the MRI. My oncologist has extended my radiotherapy field as I asked for my ovaries to be moved and he told me there was no where high enough to move them lol :) 

I'm just scared my cancer is trying to escape everywhere and everyone else's seems to stay put and get bigger. 

thanks again for your messages of support Georgie :)

Hi Georgie,

I too had lymph node involvement. I had a RH in Oct 14, including lymphadectomy, and they hoped that would be it, but results came back that 7 were involved so this led to chemo rads. My consultant said that lymph nodes can vary in size and that enlarged ones don't always mean cancer. The chemo rads seems to be very effective at getting rid of cancer cells, so take heart from all the posts on this site where the tumours have shrunk to nothing. The info about broccoli was interesting. I shall be stepping up how much I have! Good luck with the rest of your treatment Georgie.

Hi there

i had 2a with two nodes involved and had chemo, radio and brachy.  I finished trratmebt in Sep and had a clear MRI in November with the report saying the nodes had resolved!!


i was the same as u re node involvement but I spoke to a lot of ladies on here who had the same and are fighting fit many years on.


hope that helps

