My 2b has been downgraded to 1b

I recently switched hospitals due to a number of reasons - mostly to do with convenience/travel. 

Wasn't expecting a change in diagnosis, but after examining me I was told its 1b! So: no radiot and chemo just yet. I'm now havi g a lap' radical hysterectomy on the 2nd


Well that's amazing news!! What a lovely Christmas present.

Karen x 

 That's brilliant news. I was estimated at 2b but following the MRI was downgraded to 1b1. I actually walked out the consultation smiling. I'm now 6 months post op and back to a new kind of normal xx

Huzzah! What great news! Many congratulations!

What happened to the lymph node involvement?

Be lucky :-)

Fantastic news. So happy for you x

So, I swapped hospitals after my pet and mri. The original Dr, said the lymph node was teeny tiny, but there nonetheless. Dr also said that adenocarcinoma was 2mm out of cervix. 

Upon swapping, my new doc examined me and found that the tumour is mobile - so operable. This is the first time I was physically examined. He also said he'd remove lymph surgically. 

...a week after surgery, I'll find out if radio/chemo is still necessary. 


Gosh! What a few weeks!