Lump in vagina

I dont know if anyone has any ideas but I have lump just inside the entrance of my vagina, its not sore as such but it aches. I finished treatment almost 3 months ago and a had a checkup with my consultant last month who had a look inside and said my cervix looked clear. I was diagnosed stage 2b as the cancer was also at the top of my vagina as well as my cervix. Im havent been bleeding since i had the brachytherapy so im hoping its nothing too sinister

Hi Unicorns,

ring your nurse and let them know so they can get someone to check it out. It Could even be an infection. You will feel better if you do (saves worrying about everything) and they might be able to give you something for the pain too. Best wishes and take care. Xx


I had that and it turned out to be a little cyst. It actually burst when my Dr checked me out and released some orange fluid. All part of the healing I'm told. 


Stay strong xx 





Thankyou both for replying. I dont think its a cyst and its hard with an uneven texture. Im seeing my consultant tomorrow to get my results so I’ll mention it then x

How did it go with the consultant?

I still havent got my results, I went yesterday to get them but the hospital i had my scans at still havent sent them to my consultant so i have to go back the 8th of may for them. Im hoping no news is good news 

Good luck! These things take so long.

Hi, Unicorns (great user name! We must be kindred spirits)

I'm wondering if you ever heard back about the lump. It sounds just like one I found and I'm driving myself crazy waiting to see my doctor.

I am not sure if Unicorns will see this question as alerts aren't sent (unfortunately) so we all keep missing stuff. I do know her story but it's not mine to tell. If you click on her name it will bring up a list of her other postings or you could message her.