LLETZ results


I'm new here and have had a bit of a whirlwind few weeks after an abnormal smear result and then LLETZ treatment.

I have anxiously been awaiting my results, which came back today.

it says they have reported removal of an area of pre cancer changes CIN2&3

Then goes on to say my original smear result and the result of LLETZ will now be reviewed by the lab to determine the most appropriate follow up. 

I suppose I'm still a little confused and anxious even after the letter - for anyone that's had this done, is that a standard letter response, and what is the follow up likely to be.

I'm sure like all of us, I wanted a letter that simply said you are okay! 

thank you in advance 


Hi Leah, 


If your results come back different in any way from the smear then they have to discuss it at MDT. Sending you love xx

Thank you and I'm sorry to sound silly, but as I am new to all of this, what is MDT? X

Mdt stands for multi disciplinary team. Its where all the experts/team get together and discuss patients and best course of action.

So sorry. After being fairly new to this forum myself and seeing so many acronyms that meant nothing to me, I was determined not to use acronyms... And now here I am falling into the same habit. Thanks for clarifying Libby xx