Lletz proceedure

Hi all. I am new to this group. I had a lletz proceedure 6 days ago. Waa told i would experience bleeding. But literally nothing other than a watery discharge. Which smells like cabbage (sorry if offends). I also have abdominal bloating and some fatigue. I have found it all so emotionally challenging. I had CIN 3 changes. I am 49. Seen GP today who believes it to be gas build up…although am not passing wind. Also some nausea and definitely not pregnant. Any other ladies experienced these symptoms? Xx

Hi Susan,
I’m 2 weeks since Monday after LLETZ.I didn’t have an bleeding afterwards.My period was due and that came;a bit heavier but ok.There were brown bits in the days after the LLETZ and a watery discharge.The smell was awful.I still have watery discharge but the smell has lessened big time.Apart from that I’m ok.