Lletz follow up concerns

Hi all, I am really new to forums so please excuse me if I have posted in the wrong section. I am just looking for a little advice as I am scared/concerned.

My story basically is:

I got a letter starting ‘mild changes’ (I don’t remember the exact words, but it made it sound like nothing. It said I would benefit from further treatment and I would be contacted with a date for a Colposcopy.
I went in for the colposcopy on the 1st September, and the doctor said immediately that we would be recommending me for treatment under GA. I was never told what treatment, and that is how I discovered this site when I was looking for information.
He did take a punch biopsy at the time.
On about 19th September I received a letter stating that my biopsy results were back showing abnormal cells that would benefit from treatment and that I would be contacted shortly by a ward to get me booked in.
Having looked at this site, I thought it was odd that if I had biopsy results they could tell me no more than abnormal cells, but I put it out of my head.
About 10 days after the colposcopy, I had managed to pick up an infection and was prescribed antibiotics. They worked, but then on about the 23rd I had really heavy bleeding and I had a phone appointment with my doctor who suggested I came in to get checked. Whilst there I mentioned the results of the biopsy and she said she hadn’t seen them on my file.
She opened them up, then closed them very quickly (although she could have opened the wrong file tbh, so I didn’t let this worry me) and opened something else. There she quite clearly showed me that the results stated that the biopsy was inadequate.
I was a bit annoyed that this contradicted the letter I had been sent. I already knew I needed the surgery, so it wouldn’t hurt to have said that the results of the biopsy were inadequate but due to visual inspection would recommend treatment. Better than making me worry about the results.

So, I was booked in for (I was assuming) Lletz on the 4th (yesterday) and had my pre op on the Friday. I went in at 7am, but was told I wouldn’t be seen until 12ish. During this time I saw a few people and had a few tests. It must have been about 10am before I saw one of the team carrying out the procedure and it was only here whilst she had the consent form that I discovered what the procedure I was having done was. It was Lletz, and the surgeon here told me my biopsy sample was inadequate. This is the first time a member of the team had willingly told this. I am glad I found out prior as this would have upset me to discover on the day.

So, the procedure seemed to go well, I recovered fine and the surgeon came to see me before I left. She said that they had had to remove more than they thought and that I was at high risk of premature child birth should I have children and that I would have to see the consultant who did my colposcopy on the 14th. I asked her about when I would get the results on the analysis for the cells, would it be the 6-8 weeks they normally say, and she just said they would be ready for the 14th.

When I got my discharge summary it says under presenting symptoms ‘abnormal cervical smear, CIN 3 on colposcopy’ and under diagnosis it says ‘CIN 3 and widespread acetowhite areas’. No body has really explained to me what it means. Does anybody know? I know what CIN3 means, but not the acetowhite areas bit.

Anyway… To me it seems a bit odd that I will have to attend another Colposcopy 10 days after the Lletz. Is this normal? Surely everything is too sore and still messy inside?
The reason for the follow up on the discharge summary is 'further secondary care based treatment and/or therapeutic review required.

What does that mean???

I know I am over worrying… But because I feel like they have hidden stuff from me and not explained anything I am worried about the reason why.

They wont carry out another colposcopy so soon after treatment, it will be a follow up with results, whether they have clear margins etc etc. The acetowhite is the area that when they out the solutiLon turns white, which suggests abnormal cells being present. It's likely that they were all removed with the lletz so please don't worry. 


I know it's difficult to not worry, believe me I've been there, but a follow up so soon is normal protocol in my area. Good luck x

Oh thank you so much for your reply. Nobody I know has ever had a post lletz follow up other than the 6 month smear. You have put my mind at ease. 


Just wondering how your follow up appointment went? I too had the same reason given on my discharge notes after lletz to have a follow up appointment so I'm also worrying.


hi guys my wife had her lletz under ga today and on the summary it says 'follow up 3-4 weeks' 'outstanding issues: as per colposcopy.' It also said co-morbidities and complications -1' she had nothing really explained to her when she left so is very worried