Lletz and then discharged!

Hello I was looking for some advice or reassurance..

so to cut a long story short, I had symptoms of pain during and after sex, a strange foul strong smell coming from my vagina along with a strange watery discharge I could smell at certain times of the month that I had never experienced before, and horrific lower back pain.. I knew something wasn’t right with my body!!


i am 28 and my first smear at 25 was completely normal, I went for this in feb 2018 and the results came back with high grade changes! I was phoned within the week asking to go into colposcopy and was told they were taking a biopsy but had trouble seeing my cervix clearly as it was so far back and I was rather distressed if I’m honest.


results came back with high grade pre cancerous cells and in need of a lletz treatmen. recommended under GA, okay fine, that’s Better for me physchologically. I saw the Surgeon this morning and asked if they would know anything further after this procedure, as i know there is something going on due to my symptoms, he said I shouldn’t of had any symptoms for pre cancerous cells which concerned me and then I was told it was a 5 min procedure and went in to hospital today for my lletz treatment, I came round 1.45mins later dazed and drowsy.


once i Had eaten I asked if they surgeon or nurse would be round to see me to let me know how it went, they told me no it was unlikely, i should receive a letter within the next two weeks and proceeded to discharge me.


so I was taken home and slept the rest of the day, but now I’ve come round abit I feel kind of, I don’t know? Like was it a success or was there anything sinister in there or did he manage to remove all the abnormal cells efficiently?? There is nothing on my discharge letter Either!!


if anyone has been in a similar situation or could offer any advice in this instance I’d really appreciate it, feel abit lost and confused And in limbo I guess.. 


thanks xxx

I don't really have any advice but just wanted to reply as I'm in exactly the same position as you. Had my procedure nearly two weeks ago under GA and still no letter or phone call. All I got told by the nurse after was they had removed a lot of tissue and then a further amount to ensure clear margins? Then that was it. I too, feel really in limbo and just down about the whole thing xx 



Im currently waiting on results from my coloscopy (presumed CIM 1/CIN 2)

please let me know how you get on Lucygemma as your symptoms/situation seems very similar to mine xx 

Hi.  I'm new on here but just felt I should reassure you in ssome way.  I had my smear test which showed mild abnormal cells, I had a coloscopy ababo a week later and had two biopsies taken which I was told was just to make sure and to help my immune system to fight the cells. The result showed I had cin 2 so had to have lletz treatment which I had on the 14th December. Was told I was discharged and would receive a letter, my letter came on the 12th January saying it showed cin 3 and will have a repeat smear in 6 months. When I rang to ask about it i was told the doctor was fairly confident he had got it all. The waiting is terrible but is clearly just how they do it.  Hope you get good results xxx