Letter today after Lletz fearing the worst

So , had LLETZ last Thursday for very high grade CGIN , went well except for infection which was swiftly treated by my gp :slight_smile:
Today received letter asking me to attend hospital on Monday to discuss my results ! Panic isn’t the word for where my head is right now ! Can’t get info from anyone , consultant and his nurse don’t work on Fridays , my gp hasn’t been sent any info .
Fearing the worst , the NHS isn’t usually this quick :frowning:


didnt want to read and run but want to give you a cuddle xxx

Best of luck for Monday!! Xxx 

I hope your appointment went well to discuss your results? I hope you don't mind me asking it I'm in a similar position, I've been referred for an appointment to discuss my results following Lletz (the letter also says they have removed the abnormality, but no mention as to whether this is the cin3 they have already diagnosed?!) 

thank you in advance 
