is there any1 out there that has been diagnosed with vain2? 

i went for my routine smear test was ab obnormal again but this time the doctor found a lesion in my vagina. she took a biopsy of it and i later recieved a letter saying it was vain2. was in a panic as did not know what this was but was assured it wasnt cancer so put my mind at ease a bit

fastforward 4weeks i get an appointment to go and talk aboit treatment wich i was advised surgery was best as the imiqumod didnt work in 1 of her other patients. i decided on the surgery and was sent on my way. 

3weeks later i go into hospital to get the cone biopsy done 5/10/18.when i woke up the doctor told me she got the lesion but there was a more flat lesion still there that she could not get to and made an appointment for 4weeks time for a follow up but not much else was said.

i have been in a complete panic anxiety is through the roof just now it has literally taken over my life:(. so about 3days later i phoned the hospital to speak to the doctor she explained that there was a bit taken away and another 1 there that she had already told me about b4 but said that when i go back in 4 weeks she was going to start me on the imiqumod cream for the other lesion and thinks that it will work. so now i am even more confused and also terrified that the results will come back a highrler grade or even cancer .

has an1 got any info on this or any experience with the imiqumod5% cream?

sorry for the long post i am just so confused and scared


thanks in advance xx