I think I'm just worried...

So I had my first abnormal smear in July 2019. First Colposcopy / biopsy in October 2019 with results being CIN 1/2 moderate changes. 

I had another colposcopy / biopsy in March 2020 and never received the results... we entered COVID-19 hell and think i was forgotten about until a letter came through for another appointment. 

October 2020 colposcopy and unexpected biopsy as Dr wasn't planning it but had seen something. 

Then the dreaded results - the biopsy has shown a pre-cancerous change high grade CIN and the cervical sample has been reported as high grade changes. 

I am HPV+ and have been since my appointment in October 2019 and also taking immunosuppressants (for something else) and have been on these for a number of years. 

I have an appointment on 26th to discuss my results and treatment options; however, it also states in my letter that they MAY go ahead with treatment on the day which I'm not keen on as I am on duty at work the day after my appointment and can't get this off only my appointment time off work. 

I have had a little pinky blood after sex on occasion (sorry tmi) but not regularly. Currently not sleeping well because of this appointment and NOT wanting treatment there and then as due to my work I'd need this to be planned. 

Any advice? Wise words? I am okay to delay treatment? Also I am mega uncomfortable during a biopsy and feel I wouldn't cope with a loop biopsy or anything else... 

Thank you in advance!


They can do treatment on the same appointment but it is ultimately your decision. They offered me it on the same day and as you I had to go back to work so I said no. Luckily I got another appt the week later so I didn't have too long to wait. However looking back I personally wouldn't put it off, if there is any possibility to get the day off, as who knows how long you will wait for another appt and it's more time for you to think, worry & wait.I had Llettz in may I was completely fine afterwards mild cramping nothing major however I know everyone is different.

I also felt exactly the same I am a nervous wreck with anything like this and has always taken my mum with me up until this year. But we are stronger than we think! I worked myself up so bad, and couldn't believe it when it was over. Hardly no pain, sight sting off the needle but I was so shocked when the nurse said we was all done.The staff are also amazing and reassuring no matter what happens you are in good hands :)

Stay positive and look after yourself x



Please, could you tell me about your Lletz- did it hurt, did you feel them doing it? 

I am waiting for mine, week already and still 2weeks to go and its just so draining, I just cant accept the fact I have to have it done Im just so so scared. Getting biopsy result was a shock as I did not expect anything more than cin2 (because doc said that at my colposcopy and did not offer treatment there and then) and I got cin2 and cin3.... 

Hii Firefly,

Of course, I was exactly the same. Mine was CIN1 which they left for Aprox 2 years, ( as they said CIN 1 can go back to normal in the majority of women in my age group ) then it had progressed to CIN 2, where I was given the option for Llettz which I agreed to as for me I felt it wasn't rectifying itself. I then had the treatment which showed CIN 1, 2 & CIN 3 so I'm glad I got it done.

I was exactly the same as you I couldn't believe it. Honestly I'm such an anxious person in general and dreaded the treatment- especially as I had to go alone as we was in the first lockdown. But honestly I can't stress enough how different it was to what I had in my head. The staff are amazing, I had a few needles to numb the cervix, this was the most I felt a couple of tiny tiny stings that lasted a couple of seconds, didn't feel a thing from the treatment and it was super quick!! When the nurse said we were all done I couldn't believe it. I felt emotionally drained after it probably because I worked myself up so bad but it was honestly fine, I also drove myself home no problem. I did listen to music I took my headphones which helped haha.

Hope this helps, if you need to know anything else please ask. Good luck! X



Thanks for that, really Im so so scared I honestly cant imagine myself going there, I try to tell myself it is to help me but knowing what the procedure is and that it involves being cut down there, I just find myself paralyzed and I still have 11 days left waiting. Also I have a lot of upset that I havent been offered threatment on my first appointment, I feel like I was given extra 7weeks (thats how long it is between my colpodcopy and treatment appointment) of stress and anxiety that I really dont need after all that happened this awful year resulting in me having absolute awful anxiety.


I have a qyestion about anesthetic too, I have heard that when they inject it your blood pressure and heart rate increases and you feel lightheaded and that your heart races and you cant control it? Is that true? I was never afraid of anestetics, but this worries me on top of everything else because lately i have problems keeping my heart rate and blood pressure under control, its all the time too high, to the point my gp wants to monitor it. And 100% I will have fast heart rate and all that when going there so I dont need additional 'kick' for my heart to speed even more, thats why asking if this is true.

Really you felt nothing? So you cant feel even that they are cutting it? I dont mean pain because its numb  but I dont know, any pressure or anything that would make you know that they are doing it? Dont know if I express what I mean. I just really dont want to feel anything, colposcopy absolutely traumatised me when they were taking biopsy becayse it hurt so bad and felt like i was being wrenched inside there that I burst into tears. Sorry for description but I really had bad luck with the doc I had, he absolutely didnt understand why am I stressed. 

Honestly Im so tired of it all, I want it finally to be behind me but at the same time the closer it gets, the more scared I feel.


Hii, I was exactly the same I kept feeling like my mind wouldn't let me do it because the thought of what was involved terrified me, but we need to get this done to look after ourselves and it will be over with before you know it.

I completely get what you mean about the treatment, but in terms of sensations from what I can remember i couldn't feel a thing, not even pressure. That's why I was so shocked when the nurse said all done I was like really??? Wow. 

I was also worried about the anaesthetic, as I suffer with anxiety and my heart races too. They did say to me it can happen and it will only be for a few seconds, but I didnt feel my heart or myself go any different maybe because it was already ready racing.

It is so draining to go through all the waiting etc, but try to keep as occupied as you can and try to remain positive where in good hands.

Take care x


Thank you so much for this! ? really, with my wedding cancelled this year and so many bad things happening, suffering from anxiety attacks first time in my life, having abnormal cells results now and treatment its like the ultimate punch in the gut from 2020? thank you so much for all your info, I hope with everything I have my experience will be the same. Im just so scared of it, of procedure and of how will I be afterwards, scared of recovery, everything