I just need someone to talk to.

Hi, I’m new. I found this page at half 5 this morning after a rough nights sleep.

I had a colposcopy yesterday, 2 punch biopsies were taken and i was told I will definitely need treatment and if left untreated I will develop cervical cancer.

I’m emotionally all over the place. I’m scared, I’m nervous, my mind is dwelling on the ‘what if’. I’m trying not to think about it too much but my colposcopist didn’t have the best poker face. He looked concerned.
I had the results of my abnormal smear 2 weeks ago that showed high/severe cell changes. I’m pretty sure the colposcopist knew what he’d find. I have to wait up to 4 weeks for the results and treatment.
I’m really worried tbh.

So sorry to see that you're going through a stressful time with this Bec.  I think the 'bedside manner' of many medics needs a LOT of work!! I had pretty much the same experience, but i think the consultant perhaps spent a bit more time with me explaining it.

My smear test came back with 'severe dyskariosis', which I know to mean CIN3/carcinoma in situ.  They took 2 punch biopsies at the first colposcopy and the consultant said he thought that yes, it would need removing.  When the biopsies came back, he confirmed what we already knew.

The thing to focus on, I think, is the fact they've said "if left untreated...".  There is some debate over whether or not it would definitely lead to cervical cancer, but CIN3 does mean it's highly likely.  My consultant said it could take years for that to happen.

The main thing to celebrate (and yes, I DO mean that!) is that you've gone for screening and it CAN be treated, and by that I mean COMPLETELY REMOVED!  There are very few cancers which can be prevented, but CC is one of them!  Hurrah!

There's no doubt that this is a worrying time for you - that's really normal, so just let yourself feel the emotions, and be kind to yourself.  

Remember to stay focused on the fact that severe dyskariosis can be removed completely.  The procedure is quick (I won't say completely painless because it is uncomfortable - but it's VERY FAST) so hang on in there and just remember to focus on your breathing and sing a happy song in your head, then you'll be sorted and can get back to living your wonderful life.

Sending you lots of love for a very speedy and fully complete recovery lovely. xxxxxx

Thank you.

I keep reminding myself that it's not cancer. I give myself a pat on the back that I didn't put my smear test off like I was going to. I'm glad it's something that is highly treatable too.