Hysteroscopy under GA

Hi everyone,
(Not sure if this is the right category to post under)

Quick question everyone…

Can you have a hysteroscopy (under GA) while on your period/bleeding?

Ive tried and tried to phone my hospital but cant get an answer


is it still the case the hospitals are not allowing visitors due to covid? I thought all restrictions were finished now, however hospitals dont seem to be following suit.

Thank you ladies


Ah yes - Boris thinks COVID is old news, but hospitals do not… The chances are you will not be allowed to take anyone with you, and you’ll still need to be masked. I can’t tell you whether they would be able to do your procedure if you are on your period; I would imagine it might be a problem. I suggest you keep trying to contact the hospital. X

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Hey …. It’s so sad you still can’t have anyone with you . Do you have any other numbers who could help you xxx

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