HPV specific strain test and vaccination


This is my first post here. 

Having got the all clear from CIN3 cells, I want to know which strain of HPV I have. Does anyone know where I can get this test, does the NHS offer it? I've asked the hospital, doctors and a sexual health clinics for this information and they tell me it's not possible, they can tell me I still have an active HPV virus, just not the specific strain. I'd like to know the strain given the risk of other cancers.

My plan is to find out the strain I have, re-test until I've shifted it through various immune system hacks and then vaccinate with Gardasil. My hope and basic understanding is that the vaccination will be effective against all strains of HPV that aren't currently active, can anyone confirm this? So far no health care professionals I've spoken to know this information. Obviously there would be no point in vaccinating myself if this was different, and I found out I had both strains 16 and 18 HPV.

Anyone here managed to get the HPV vaccination using the NHS? Anyone found the vaccination cheaper in other countries? The price seems set accross Europe at least.

