HPV, abnormal smear, colposcopy no CIN

Hi guys!

im a little bit baffled and would like some advice please! I got diagnosed with HPV in june 2018. my smear showed low grade abnormal changes and I was sent to a colposcopy. 

A biopsy was taken and my results come back a week later to say that no CIN was found and to go back for a repeat smear and HPV test in a year.

can someone please inform me why my smear showed low grade changes and my colposcopy said I had no CIN? I’m really confused :( I thought that HPV gave everybody CIN changes, and if This is the case does that mean that mine Will change to CIN1 CIN2 or CIN3 in the future? 


Thanks xx


I also was told I had borderline cell changes and high risk HPV I was terrified and had to go for a coloscopy. I was told at the appointment I didn’t have strain 16 or 18 which are the strains that cause I think it’s 70 percent Of cell changes that can but don’t always lead to cancer . The consultant said everything looked normal and I didn’t even need a biopsy he put me back to 3 year smears but this too does worry me a bit as I too thought hpv caused at least some kind of changes.

my consultant told me most women with borderline  changes   and a  high risk strain not 16 or 18 usually clear the hpv themselves. Maybe you also do not have either of these strains