How common for CIN3 to turn into CC

Hi so a little background .. I had a smear in 2016 after my daughter, came back I need a biopsy and it came back clear, had a son in 2017 and my smear after him in feb which showed CIN3 cells when smear was taken then repeat biopsy. I have had them removed on the 23rd of this month but feeling very anxious about the results and if they can turn to CC that quick? Any insights good and bad welcome thank you 

Hi samatha, im childless i had a smear early this year colposcopy to remove abnormal cells, i had a loop diathermy on the day results came back CIN3 in march. They said i had clear margins, 6 months laters my follow up smear says i need another colposcopy. I've been looking for people who have had similar results it coming back quickly. Honestly i do not know if they can turn that quickly. Everything i have read says it takes years to develop. I found out a few days ago i need my colposcopy within 3 weeks. Its the waiting that is the worse i can relate. I have found everyone helpful and positive on here. Im sure others will reply and tell you there stories. I wish you the best and hope all is well

Bex X

Hi, I understand your concern, but it’s very unlikely that your diagnosis of CIN is progressing that rapidly. CIN is not cancer, but is precancerous and I presume that you have also been diagnosed with HR (high risk) HPV, too? HPV is the primary cause of CIN which may develop into cancer, but the odds of this happening is -1%. This is made up by about 90% of those who become infected will clear the virus without developing CIN, or able to clear CIN without any treatment. Those who need treatment for CIN (more than 9%) will successfully be treated and will need no more further treatments. Which leaves -1%, where it may progressed into cancer. So with these odds, it’s very rare to progressed into CC.

To develop into CC, it must go through several precancerous stages first and this can take 10-15 years, because these changes are very, very slow progressing. Which is why our cervical cancer screening has 3 yearly gaps. However, no test is 100% accurate, so it’s possible to have a false negative with one smear. So if for some reason abnormal cells were missed in one smear, it should be found in the following smear and unlikely to have progressed into cancer within that timeframe, because it’s so slow. Which is probably why it appears yours sound like it’s progressing rapidly. With the changes in screening now, they will be testing for HPV first, since it’s the primary cause of CIN. So hopefully this will make smears much more accurate.

I hope this has allayed your concerns and good luck!

 Just to add: I was diagnosed with CIN3 in May 2018 and eventually had a LAV hysterectomy October 2018. The results were: clear and healthy pelvis visually, and womb and cervix histology of HPV abnormal cells only. So within 5 months, my deep CIN3 hadn’t progressed any further within that timeframe!