High Rish HPV

Hi everyone I was looking for some advice. There isn’t a discussion board for HPV so I’m sorry if this is not the right place to post this…

I’ve been diagnosed with high risk HPV for the last two years now and I am worried I will never get rid of it. I’ve had two LETTZ procedures taking over 17mm of my device away and now the doctors have put me on a 10 year plan:

Colosopy every 6 months for the next 5 years then a yearly smear for 5 years after.

Has anyone else had this for so long? I’m scared that I am getting basically tested for cervical cancer every 6 months to see if it will develop? Am I being well OTT about it or are they seeing if the CIN cells are grow I f back or what it’s all a it vague to me… Maybe it’s because I didn’t take a lot of the information in because I am scared… I don’t know?? I had my first ever smear at the age of 25 ( 9 days after my 25th birthday) and things have been going wrong ever since.

Please help if you can… Any advise I would be so very greatful! Xxxxx

Hi there

Having high risk HPV doesn't mean that you will get cancer, however it is present in most cases of cancer and it is known to make cervical abnormalities (CIN) more likely to occur. I expect that because your HPV is being a persistent little bastard, they are keeping a close eye to make sure that its presence doesnt encourage a further batch of CIN. It's probably a good thing, at least they are being cautious and if anything does arise, it will be identified and treated quickly before it can get worse.

I have heard that if you are a smoker that can affect your body's ability to shake off the HPV, so if that's the case for you, you might want to grit your teeth and try to quit!

Good luck, hope you manage to get rid soon