Heavy bleed after Loop treatment

Hi everyone, 


I am new here and I would really like to know anyone else has similar experience such me. 

I had my loop treatment done about 2 weeks.  I only felt mild cramps and there was not much blood afterwards. I was due my period about 3 days after the procedure and it was a normal period. But right after my period finish( i was on my 4th day) I started bleeding so heavily. Like going through bout 7 pads within 2 hours.  I went to a& e and they put some solution inside me called topical monsel. I was sent home with slight spotting with some medicine to stop bleeding.  I was  having slight  bleeding but today I went heavy again this morning with big clots.  So went to a & e again they put silver nitrate and said it should stop bleeding.  Doctor I said I dont have sign of infection but I was given antibiotics by my gp previously so I am on it already.   I am feeling very scared it will happen again.  I would really appreciate some knowledge from anyone else who has go through this before  

