Happy ever after

Hello ladies

Firstly I hope everyone's ok and battling through like warriors, ive used this site for so many different reasons and found so much comfort and help from everyone.

So today I thought I'd share a little post treatment happy ever after story

So prior to being diagnosed with CC back in June my single self was on the dating sites looking for love and was becoming quite a serial dater ?. Anyway one guy had kept my interest and we were upto 3rd date status when I got the life changing news.....from that point I sent a quick message with no real explanation and ended any further contact so I could concentrate on just me. Confused he still sent the odd message to check in on me still completely unaware what I was going through.

Well fast forward to a couple of weeks ago! 8 weeks post RH and window shopping back on PoF to past the time and who pops up...Mr 3rd date!! Anyway feeling quite good about myself and having this new found me confidence that im gonna live my life and grab every opportunity I can, I decide to reply and explain exactly what I'd been through.......1 whole hour passed and there was nothing no reply, great I thought heres the first small minded man of many im probably going to come across!!

Anyhow fast forward again another half hour and my phone pings!! Its a reply? did I really want to read it was I prepared for the reaction?

Well to my absolute shock...not only was he the most open minded bloke I'd spoken to with great comedy values about my situation....he had also gone through the same turmoil last year!!! Yes he's a fellow cancer club member.

So obviously from there I've chilled out and decided to give it all a whirl, the stories and our warped sense of humours have been so refreshing and I honestly can't believe that after all this im laughing and smiling again.

Oh and fellow radical hysterectomy ladies or those awaiting to have the surgery done, everything works just fine haha??


Lisa, l love your Happy ever after story. I was divorced for many years before my cancer diagnosis and really haven't had any interest since. If I ever changed my mind it's nice to know I might find a kindred spirit to share my days with. Live, laugh, love and enjoy every minute. 
x Maria

Lisa this is great news, thank you for sharing with the forum - it gives this single lady hope that I might one day find a kindred spirit and enjoy my happy ever after.  Enjoy it xx