First radiotherapy side effects

Hi ladies.

I just wondered if anyone has had the same reaction or side effects to radiotherapy as i have and if it is ‘normal’.

I have had my first radiotherapy treatment this morning (25/7) and WOW it has knocked me! I felt fine going and during but then about 2 hours afterwards i felt terrible! I felt not tired but exhausted! I have almost slept the day away but still have little energy! I feel nauseous, like gipping nausea, and hardly ate anything since the treatment at 9am. I also have shooting pains in my pelvis and vaginal area. Im trying to keep on top of my fluids for hydration but my appitite is wiped! I’m just so shocked that it has happened so soon because my Dr said the side effects start around week 2-3 but if this is how i feel after one dose then what will i be like then also with chemotherapy on top?!

Should i feel like this so soon? Has anyone else experienced this and did it get better? I was very positive before today but now i am scared for what is to come.

For me, I had been having pain before the diagnosis, back pain and pelvic cramps but they were going away with ibuprofen (maximum 2 daily). Well after my first session of radiotherapy I had so much pain I couldn’t even walk, it was so intense I had to take 6 or 7 pills a day. But after one week it got better, than after the 3rd week I think I was taking maybe one pill daily. My oncologist told me that it’s normal to have intense pain because the tumor is being “disturbed”.
Wishing you a smooth treatment and healing!

Thank you so much for your reply. Yes i have been having horrid pain before my treatment which only eased with ibuprofen, but he said i shouldn’t be taking it because of the effect it has on my stomach and liver so i am on low dose morphine at the moment.

Hope your treatment is going well and you are managing well too!

Yes, I forgot to mention I stopped taking ibuprofen as well because of my kidneys and I started taking metamizole I think, something like that. Praise the Lord I got through my treatments and I also got a good scan after 4 months and now I’m waiting for my 7 month scan results, I am filled with anxiety.

Wow! Congrats on completing your treatments! It is only natural to feel anxious. Our lives have now changed forever! Every illness or pain are going to be overshadowed with the thought of this horrid disease returning. :sleepy:. Fingers crossed and sending all the luck for your 7 month scan.

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So glad its not only me that has been feeling this way! Ive had one chemo and 2 radiotherapy and i feel terrible. So surprised by how much my pain has gone up and my pelvis is so stiff. Going to phone the docs this morning for better pain management.

So thankful for this post, thought i was being a drama

So sorry to hear that you are struggling too with the symptoms :cry:. I have my first dose of chemotherapy today and I am not looking forward to it due to the side effects. I can only hope that out body adjusts and it becomes more bearable. Yes absolutely contact your Dr for meds, dont suffer more than you have to. Hope you start to feel better soon xx

Got a prescription for oramorph for breakthrough pain. Fingers crossed this gets me through the next 6 1/2 weeks.

I hope your chemo session goes well today, i found my session quite relaxing, so i hope you do too. Good luck! We got this! Xx💪

Yes that is what i am taking for my pain too. So far so good, it’s not half as bad as i expected. Yes it is relaxing. Im just in a very comfy chair and watching a movie on netflix. Hope the morphine brings some ease to your pain.

Hi, I’m sorry you’re struggling. For me I had pain before diagnosis, really bad pelvic pain and swelling and ended up on oramorph and 8 codeine tablets a day. The diagnosis and start of treatment took longer than it should have due to a series of mistakes unfortunately. I had surgery then started radiotherapy and chemotherapy after about 6 weeks and the pain was horrendous, couldn’t get through the day without pain relief. I do remember being incredibly exhausted and part way through I said I didn’t know if I was going to manage to get through it all, it seemed so impossible because I was in so much pain and was just so exhausted but I’ve finished treatment now and the pain does go after a couple of weeks. You can do it! If you are in pain ask for pain relief, don’t struggle! Sending you love and hugs xx