Feeling nervous.... (children mentioned)

Morning all,
Feel I need somewhere to put all the stuff that is swirling round my head… Feeling very nervous and anxious this morning before I head to meet Dr to dicuss results of my PET-CT scan (terrified it has spread through my lymph nodes as mri showed pelvic right node as enlarged) and also to discuss my treatment plan. Initially felt OK about this appointment but the longer I have waited on today coming round the more anxious I have become. I have been having symptoms since early January 16 and ongoing numerous trips to gp, being palmed off as post natal as I had just given birth, finally biopsy on 4th March and told highly concerned of cancer, results confirmed 1 week following then is and after mri staged as 2b with a 6x5x5 bulky tumour… Feel time has passed by incredibly slowly and I just really want to start treatment, feel like I am actually fighting this thing. I know keeping positive will give me the emotional strength I need to get through this, but it’s not going to stop growth or spread!!
I feel that has been a rant/waffle of nothing specific other than all the worries going around my head and eating away at me… Feel I just had to get it out somewhere!!
Appointment is 09.30 this morning so fingers crossed I have some plan of action, and maybe some positive news re lymph nodes…

Hope everyone is well today xxx

Hi. Receiving that plan of action really does help. It gives you a time scale and you are able to make some plans. 

Your diagnosis was quite quick really - I was palmed of for around 18 months and I think some other ladies on here were too. It's shocking really. 

Re lymph nodes. It's hard not to be worried but even if they are involved your treatment will be planned so that the nodes are targeted . 

Keep the positivity going,  keep posting on here if it helps. I found posting helped me incredibly.  Talking to ladies on here who have gone through /are going through the same as me is incredibly reassuring. 

Let us know how you go on today X 

Hi lt, 


i had had the same problems symptoms stating end of dec/ Jan time. Biopsy was done similar date to yours but because I had paid for a private scan the gynocologist had my MRI results when she did biopsy. Mri and ct scan showed I have a tumour 5.5 x 2xm and three enlarged lymphnodes henve treatment plan being chemo and radiation, ct scan dos show no signs of cancer anywhere else. But I know exactly how you feel I just wanted my treatment starting asap not three weeks after I found out but you will get there. I voiced my converns to the consultant who explained the process for starting treatment he said to me we would not compromise your treatment in waiting, it's all the red tape and scans etc that they have to get right to get your treatment started. 

Hi! Thanks for support guys.

I seem to have similar to you Louisemdm, I have 3 enlarged nodes but all contained to right side.of pelvis, no further spread and I've been given treatment plan: I will have 3 cycles of chemo over a 9 week period followed by 25 chemo-radiotherapy and then 4 brachytherapy towards end, with a hope of kicking ass! 

I have been lucky to be squeezed in for Tuesday coming so will start my chemo then. Had bloods taken today to prepare so I'll go on Tues to start. Just having dates in head has helped me! I must say hearing them tell me about side effects and I'll defo loose my hair and fertility was hard to handle, I pretty much cried throughout appointment but I had my husband by my side and the Dr was lovely and understanding too. Left with list of wig suppliers and referral forms and even managed a few bald jokes on way home, I find humour helps slightly and they do say laughter is the best therapy!  I am gutted re infertility but will cherish my Prince and princess much more than ever! And main thing is that I can be well for them!! 


Hi lt, glad you have your treatment plan I know exactly how you feel as so as I had my date for starting I felt much better. I've been told I will loose my hair with my 6 week induction chemo in fact got a wig yesterday it's not to bad and have been practicing wrapping scarfs round my head lol!! I'm ok with the infertility Jude our 10 month old wasn't planned and is now my special baby mine and my partners first child together we both have boys from previous marriages, although I am not to sure about the whole delightful menopause!! But I guess no periods will be a bonus!! I'm like you and have used humour a lot it is on my nature always smiling etc and I've said to friends and family there is no point getting upset or depressed it does not change the situation or make it better and I have been told it's a curable condition so that's what I am focusing on.

Good luck for Tuesday I found the first chemo session ok got my second one on Monday and have been fine this week after chemo 

I was told the same re hair loss so will be sorting a wig and purchasing some head scarves very soon!! 

They gave us option re freezing eggs but it took us a long time to have Pippa so we have decided that it's more important for me to be well and here for the two we have and I too feel that Pippa came when she did for this reason. I guess it's more that the decision is taken from you but we will cherish the two more than ever now! I agree, no periods is a bonus, but hot flushes not so much!!  

Your personality sound very like mines so let's embrace the baldness and kick cancers ass!!!!  

Good luck for Monday xx

Hi Louise & LT I want to wish you all the best for starting your treatment next week I will be cheering you on. Its great to hear how positive you both are it will definately get you through the highs & lows. Having a treatment buddy really helps to spur you on I owe alot to the ladies who went through treatment with me. Remember ladies when the road gets tough there is light at the end of the tunnel I had an MRI on Friday and couldnt believe how much my Tumour had shrunk in 5 weeks it was amazing. Lots of love to you both xx


I love your attitude ladies. I've finished treatment today you two are going to be just fine!!

please keep us up to date on the trial xx

thanks lozleypez and kumagill

other than the long wait for the chemo drugs from pharmacy my second chemo treatment was uneventful and so far feeling ok again. I now think steroids are a wonder drug lol after months of a declining appetite I can't stop eating which is a good thing I have been wasting away!! 

I deffinately think being positive is the best way to be and I haven't met another person along this journey who hasn't met me with positivity which can only be a good thing!!


good luck today LT

Hi Lousie & LT,

I've just started my 2nd week of the same 6 chemo, 28 radio, 4 brachy for stage 2b. I'm doing really well and so far had minimal managable side effects...i was a blubbering wreck on my first day in 'the chair' but everyone from the nurses to the other patients and my family were a tower of strength. Its now week 2 and I still keep hearing Tivoli say over and over...its doable, managable, you can do it....and I honestly thought it was probably just smoke and mirrors to get you into a semi lucid head space to cope...but it was all true.

Trust in the ladies here, nothing is sugar coated, its all true honest advice. We might not all have the same symtoms, staging,  yadda yadda yadda, but we're all girlies facing a right old fight and we can do it :-)

Best of luck to you both, big hugs xx

Thanks fightnotfit

i just complete chemo number 2 of my 6 week induction chemo before my five weeks of chemo radiation so far I have been ok so taking every good day as a bonus! 

Love reading all the positive stories and seeing the support on here keeps you focused on that light at the end of the tunnel which is creeping closer every week we get through treatment!!

Well done ladies, I love your positive attitudes.

You might have some days that aren't great but as long as you pick yourself up and remember you can do this snd you are amazing.

Humour definitely helps. Hope you are all doing well and big hugs to you all.  xxx