Cramping seven weeks on

Hey everyone!


  Just a quick one. I had my lletz seven weeks ago, and didn't seem to have too many problems after (minus one horrendous period that I thought would never end). However, ever since, I keep getting cramps every few days. Normally I'd only get them in the lead up to my period, but I'm not due on and so far nothing has come on. I'm back to doing exercise and there's been no bleeding or problems from that, just this cramping! Has anyone else found that they have a lot more pain than they used to after lletz? 

Ive suffered with cramps, back pain and pain down legs ever since i had my lletz, constantly back and forward to the gynae but no one can figure out what it is! Gynae told me yesterday to try a new medication for 2 months for nerve damage to see if that helps!

Sorry your suffering and i really hope it doesnt continue like mine has x