Confusion about my brachytherapy (baby, pregnancy and children mentioned)

Hi girls

So I start my chemoradiation in 4 weeks. I met today with my radiation oncologist who explained that I will have external radiation and then brachytherapy.

She said I will be put under anasthetic and have a rod inserted that will be connected to the cervix. I will then stay in hospital for 48 hours while radiation is delivered slowly through seeds to my cervix.
I haven’t heard of this before. Has anyone else had this? It sounds terribly invasive and horrible.

I’m getting extremely upset about what is about to happen to my body. I’m crying about 10 times a day. I think I am extra emotional due to the postpartum.

I know so many of you have been through this, and I will be able to do it too. “There is no other way out” as my oncologist said today.

If anyone could shed any light on this type of brachytherapy that would be so appreciated.

Rosie xx

Hi Rosie

Try not to worry too much....I'm in exactly the same boat...been given chemoradiation plus brachoteraphy ....starting in a week and a half and when I saw my doctor yesterday she said she will explain the brachy later on ...that there is no need to worry about it ..

I'm also very depressed about it and when I told her she said it's actually not bad and with general anesthetics you won't feel a thing ...even though in my case I might not be able to have it under general anestetics because my partner is abroad and with no family around I have noone to pick me up so I might have to do it with sedation only

It seems very scary but I hope it's not as bad as many women on here pointed out ..

Let's just hope and be positive and just concentrate on the first treatment and getting thru it  well 



im doing my brachy on an outpatient procedure. I get some sedation and I have fallen asleep both times. I wake up somewhat when I'm being moved to the mri.  I usually fall back asleep and wake up when they are about to remove the rods. I have had no pain at all during the procedure and the nurses are really great. The whole thing takes about 3 hrs but feels like 10 minutes because I'm sleeping. I'm not sure but maybe the clinic you are going to doesn't have the same kind of machine so you have to be admitted and stay overnight. But don't worry!! I was so scared but it wasn't bad at all. Good luck

Hi Rosie! :-)

I don't know why, but it seems that everybody is terrifed by the prospect of brachytherapy. Really! It's nothing like as bad as everyone imagines it's gonna be! Over the last couple of months on this forum there have been shit-loads (really) of women putting up posts that said more-or-less "I was crapping myself going in and laughing at myself coming out"

I'd find them for you myself right now and post links for you but it's too late at night here.

Trust me! It's gonna be fine! I'm holding your hand :-)

Hi. I had what you're having but over 19 hours. I had it twice over 2 weeks. I think it just depends on your hospital how they carry out the procedure.  I've also heard of someone having it over 44 hours.

It's honestly no where near as bad as you think it's going to be. I did a little blog on mine so if you have a read it might just put your mind at ease a little. It's very scary not knowing what's going to happen so it's worth reading x 

I spent the days sleeping, eating, reading and watching day time tv. I also had Internet access and was able to phone people x 

Please don't worry about it - it really is easier than you think x 

Hey girlies,

I had brachytherapy too. 

I had 3 treatments lasting one day a week. I had a spinal so couldnt feel a thing. I was terrified too but i neednt have been.

I wrote a step by step of my day if that helps xxx

Hi, I am soon to start my brachys. I don't know much, I just know all 5 of mine are being done under GA but as an outpatient. Sorry that's all I can contribute as I don't know more.