
Hello all,
I had my colposcopy on May 10th after having a smear which showed Dyskaryosis and CIN 1.
Still no news about the results but i did call them and got some info over the phone and am more confused than ever!
The letter about the colposcopy has not been sent to me yet, the biopsies are not back but the secretary read out what had been found so far.
No cell changes, so my question is, why do i need treatment?
She could not answer that, apparently they didn’t find any bad cells yet the smear showed abnormal cells and i am still having to go through treatment. :frowning:
Why on earth did the Dr not tell me this before i left his room?
so many questions but no answers.
All he said was i will need treatment.
I can’t imagine or want to think i may have to keep going back over and over when i would sooner have the whole lot taken away, i am 57 soon so don’t need a cervix or anything else.
Has anyone been given this news too?
I feel like i am going mad!
so no bad cells found, biopsies still not back and i am still none the wiser.