Cone Biopsy Pain

Hi lovely ladies
I had my cone on 31 October, had some pain for a few days and took the pain killers given by hospital which seemed fine along with a hot water bottle. After around 4 days or so I was able to stop taking pain medication. The last few days the bleeding has got heavier, to begin with it was just light and more of a coloured discharge (sorry TMI). Along with the bleeding I have been feeling quite tender my stomach is bloated and my thighs and back ache. Is this normal 2 weeks after cone? I don’t mind the bleeding too much as it isn’t overly heavy just thought that I would have less pain as I heal not more. The bleeding doesn’t seem abnormal so I don’t think its an infection but wondered if I should be feeling pain still at this stage? I haven’t done any exercise really apart from walking and trying to limit any lifting e.g. heavy shopping bags. Any advice welcome x

Hiya :-)

I'm not much help to you here because I have never had a cone biopsy myself. From what I have read here before though is that the bleeding starts when the scab starts falling off. I'm sure someone who knows more about these things we be along soon but meanwhile, I just wanted to send hugs and let you know that there is no such thing as TMI on this forum! :-)

Be lucky :-)

Hi Tivoli! Ok thank you. I have been on the mini pill for the last 2 years so no periods and was on combined pill before that so I guess fake periods. So for the last 10 years I haven't probably had this type of pain maybe just not used to it! I told you I was a wimp haha. x

Ha ha! :-)

I haven't thought about period pains for so many years now! :-) But you have just made me realise something that has never, ever occurred to me before. When we begin menopause we think 'Great! Hurrah! No more periods!' and then all of a sudden we get hit by the hot flushes and night sweats and they're pretty horrible too. We forget all about period pains and the fact that we aren't getting those any more and isn't THAT something to be grateful for! :-)

Be lucky :-)

Haha oh the joys of being a woman! x

Oh, here's something we have in common (somewhat)! I've been taking dienogest to keep my adenomyosis at bay for a good 4 or so years now, so I don't get periods anymore either - just some spotting here and there, because I take the lowest possible dose, and even missing it by a few hours can cause breakthrough bleeding. I still get some cramps around PMS time, though. I still have yet to find out exactly what dienogest is, though. It's supposedly a low dose birth control pill, but the more I read about it, the more it seems to be specifically aimed for women with endometriosis/adenomyosis. There's a certain chemical missing that would make it a full on birth control pill, from what I understand....Either way, it makes me wonder if, when I start feeling more crampy from my cone, I'm going to start getting upset because I forget what period cramps are like, too!