Complimentary therapies and yoga

Hi Sweet Pea,

Hope you are having a good week.  Thought I would update you and let you know I had my 1st Acupuncture session today with a lovely practitioner, who placed needles in my feet, up my shins, in my hand, in my left ear and between my eyebrows and I have to say I felt completely energised afterwards.

She also tested my fingers and toes for the effects of Neuropathy using a tuning fork which had surprising results

, 2 toes on each foot I could only feel touch, every other toe & finger I could feel touch and vibration, but I have been advised this will improve again after treatment.

I have another session booked for Monday and Thursday next week, 

Definately worth a session I would recommend it,

Stay Strong, positive & focused,

Feisty xx