Colposcopy results please help

Hi everyone, hope this is okay to post! Can you help me make sense of my colposcopy results please? (Full story below for context)

I had my smear in last year which came back as HPV+ but no abnormalities. Visited the GP back in December with bleeding / pain during sex. I was referred to the colposcopy clinic as she could see some cervical ectropion.

Had a colposcopy in January but couldn’t do a biopsy because I had just started my period. Nothing was mentioned about any abnormal cells so I assumed this was just what they did with every colposcopy.

Went back for my biopsy 2 weeks ago and they did another colposcopy while there. In this time the pain during sex had spread to after sex too.

Received the colposcopy letter through that they send to the GP and it says the findings are ‘ATW changes on upper lip, mosaic. Multiple punch biopsy obtained’. The bottom of the letter states that the findings in January were ‘fine mosaic’.

The nurse did not tell me I had any abnormal cells, actually didn’t say anything to me after other than I’ll get biopsy results in 3 weeks?! so I’m very confused!
Does this mean that I have abnormal cells?
Does it mean anything that my January result was fine mosaic and my April one is now just mosaic? Could that be or typo or does it mean changes?

Sorry for the long post!! But anyone who knows what this might mean or went through something similar please can you comment?

(The last couple of weeks I now I have cramps / pain in my lower tummy daily and this is worrying me with all of this going on)


I can’t help with the colposcopy findings but I have been having aches and pains in both my stomach and my hips since I had 3 biopsies taken on Thursday, it is so hard not to suddenly notice every little twinge isn’t it? I have got 6-8 weeks to wait for my results I was told, I think I am going to be a wreck by then.

I hope you get the answers to your questions soon.

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Hi Ribenaberry,

I think the waiting is absolutely the worst part! But yes I have been noticing everything since then and now wonder whether it’s always been there!

Thank you for replying, it’s nice to know I’m not alone☺️