Colposcopy due very anxious

First time adding a post. Ive been experiencing lower abdomen discomfort for about 7 weeks, but put it down to the menopause. But then felt the urge to urinate so thought i had a urine infection. Went twice tonthe doctors and they tested my urine and i had antibiotics both times but the pain in my abdomen remained. So phoned again last week and i went for a pelvic exam and also smear but on inspection she said my cervix needed further to be looked at and has sent me now to have a Colposcopy. So much has happened over the last few weeks. My anxiety is through the roof
Losing weight, struggling to sleep. Should be seen within 2 weeks. I didnt have a smear for 16 years which i now totally regret and fearing the worse. Im 51. Any help getting me through this would be gratefully received

Hi Shaz,

Sorry to hear that you’re having a difficult time, there’s no point in saying try not to worry because everyone does. Most referrals for colposcopy turn out to be nothing sinister but good that your GP has referred you as anything suspicious needs to be checked.

I was 54 and hadn’t had a smear for about 15 years but after having some watery discharge for about a month which i thought was related to menopause i took myself to doctor. I was then referred for colposcopy where i was told my cervix was totally healthy with no abnormal cells but a grape sized lesion was spotted at entrance to womb. The doctor said she thought it was a fibroid but took a biopsy to make sure, unfortunately this came back as adenocarcinoma cervival cancer. I then went on to have chemotherapy, radiotherapy and brachytherapy treatments. I finished treatment in September 21 and i am doing fine.
As i said most referrals turn out to be nothing. Let us know how you get on any questions just ask.
Take care xx

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I echo AMFs advice. You will worry, completely natural reaction. It may be something or may be nothing. But whatever it is theyre moving quickly!

Sending hugs xx

Thank you for your reply. Happy to hear your recovery and will keep you updated xx