CIN3 cancer cells removed and 2 and half years later a cervical polyp


I had CIN3 cervical cancer cells removed in 2021 with the LETZ procedure. I went for an ultrasound at the weekend which shows I have a polyp on my cervix, my doctor has referred me on two week cancer pathway to have the polyp removed and tested. Does anyone know please if there’s a possibility to that this could be cancerous due to the fact I’ve had CIN3 cells before?

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Going through similar and also very worried.

I’m worried because after the LLETZ I had a smear a few months later and was given the all clear and then was told to go back to every 3 years. I’m nervous they may have missed some cells (if that’s even possible). I’m positive for HPV as well.

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I wish I could give you an answer, but everywhere I read online it says that polyps are usually benign. I’ve read some anecdotal stuff where women have had CIN3 and the polyp was still benign so I’m hanging onto that hope. My CIN3 was supposedly treated in 2012, had a clear smear after Lletz and in 2015 too. But then in 2016 had tiny bit of bleeding after sex so had private smear which showed nothing. Pushed for a biopsy and came back CIN2 so had Lletz again. I have no faith in smears anymore.
Had clear smear in 2018 and 2020 and 2024 (last week clear smear/negative HPV)but this polyp showed up so now on a two week cancer pathway :persevere: altho I rang the hospital and they said I’ll be waiting a year to be seen on the NHS even tho I’m ‘urgent’ :flushed: so I’ll be going privately.
Everyone keeps telling me it’s bound to be nothing and just a polyp, the GP said it’s a healthy looking polyp but I’m not convinced. Sick of the constant worry that cells have been missed or not removed properly or come back. I just want to get on with my life.
When are you being seen?

Also I’m in Wales and they’ve just changed the guidelines to every five years. No way in hell am I waiting five years! I didn’t even like waiting three! My CIN2 was back after four years so…

Hi, ladies. I also had a polyp removed during colposcopy 2 years ago; at that time, I was HPV positive with borderline changes, and I received results a few weeks later that it was completely benign. There are lots of possible courses for polyps to develop, as I understand, including hereditary and hormonal. My mom had polyps removed when she was the first time in her forties and the second time in her fifties. She is now 75. You are doing all the right things, including regular checks and looking after your health; that’s the most important

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Thank you :smiling_face: so much. I’ve been making myself ill with worry and as a single parent I’ve almost made my mind up that it will be bad news which I know is a bit extreme.

I was also put on the two week pathway and I’m being seen on Monday 29th Jan. Sorry to hear you have to wait so long! I haven’t had mine looked at yet as it was picked up on an ultrasound that I had a feeder vessel to a suspected Polyp. The doctor said she could have a look but I was a bit shocked and didn’t see the point if someone else was going to be rummaging around there in a few weeks anyway. Now I wish I had said yes :frowning:

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Thank you :smiling_face: I think I’m so worried because I never expected CIN3 results on my previous smear test and now I’m coming up to the 3 years mark again and worry something could have been missed. Hopefully I will find out more on Monday and have my mind put to rest a bit.

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All the best :pray: let us know how you get on

Thank you, I will do! Hope you get seen very soon, likewise please update us

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Just a quick update which hopefully helps someone- private gynae removed the ‘large’ polyp today- ten min procedure, period like cramps for a while afterwards, but otherwise just waiting for histology should be a couple of weeks :pray:

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Polyp turned out to be benign :raised_hands:


That’s really good news.

I am currently going through something very similar to the original post on this feed and I’m worried sick. In the process of trying to start a family again since the cells were removed by lletz, I was in the process of exploring ivf last time also when the cells and hpv were found which Elsa later to high grade within a year. Got given all clear and now here we are again. I have other health challenges as well. Feel like I’m never gonna get be a mum, I worried this will be something bad

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