CIN2 conservative management or Lletz

Hi guys, so bit of a back story I’ve had HPV positive results for a number of years now, about 2 years ago I had CIN2 so had the Lletz treatment. I recently had another abnormal smear which led to a colposcopy and punch biopsy which has come back again with CIN2. I have an appointment next week at the hospital with a consultant and I was advised on the phone it will either be LLETZ again or they could do conservative management. I asked straight away for the Lletz as it really concerns me but the nurse worried me slightly by making a comment about me and the effect on my cervix being 30 and wanting kids. Has anyone gone down the conservative management route? Just want some reassurance :slight_smile:

Hi Lucy

I don’t have any relevant experience to share but thought I’d flag that there have been some recent posts about conservative management of CIN2 on this forum. They can be found by searching on ‘conservative’ - top right on my PC.

Making such a decision can be difficult; it’s good to get informed so you can weigh up the pros and cons and can give it your best shot.
